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My suffering

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:06 am
by Panzey
My sweet Andy I've had since he was a kitten, 16 years old now. Last year we had to have his right front leg amputated due to a fast growing tumor. In a week, while consulting with my vet and a specialist, it had grown twice in size. Hopeful that a fast procedure would save him we felt confident he was going to be fine. He adapted very well and was still so loving. You could just look at him without touching and his purring would start. He slept with us and gave me love kisses every night. Three weeks ago I noticed he wasn't eating as much and treats weren't as attractive as norma. This continued even more into the second week and at this point I knew he needed attention because, although not eating, his tummy seemed to be growing. After x-rays and diagnostic tests we were told the tumor cells were in his chest and his tummy area was fluid building up. Breathing was not a problem but he wasn't able to swallow solid food and he still has little interest in food. For the past week he's been eating chicken baby food and pate cat food in addition to supplement our vet has given us to put into or outside his mouth. His spine and ribs are so prevalent but how and when can I make that decision to let him go? He still loves to be held but very little activity. I pray each night that God will make the choice and he'll go peacefully but I don't want him to suffer! My husband and I talked this evening and I know in my head that it's time but my heart just doesn't want to accept it! How do others cope and accept their decision as being right?

Re: My suffering

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:56 am
by Mayday21
Panzey my heart goes out to you. I lost my Mayday, my avatar, after 21+ years. She left me early in the hrs after meowing to me & I didn't get up. I still live with the thought I let her down. I did get to spend around 30mins with her. Elsa was pts last week as she had ckd. I found the decision to pts easier to deal with as I knew she was suffering. She'd gone in the back legs which Mayday had also the night before leaving me & I put her on the bed with me because of that. Finding Mayday practically gone was heart wrenching but I'm glad it happened at the weekend & not during the week when I wasn't home. Your decision is yours only & you'll receive all the support in the world here whatever you decide. Thinking of you at this time & special hugs to Andy. Remember you've loved & cared for him & provided the best medical attention which he wouldn't probably received if he wasn't with you. Vivian

Re: My suffering

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:20 am
by Karenanne
Although awfully only you can make this decision, I just wanted to say that I really feel for you. Just over two weeks ago I had to say goodbye to my wonderful Gatsby at the vets. Part of me is still torturing myself that I could have tried more. The other part thinks we spent our last afternoon together and I was talking to him until the end. I have found that talking here helps a little so it might for you. I also read a lot of the other stories on here. Made me feel less alone. Thinking of you. Kx