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One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:15 pm
by Bubbamama99
It has been one week today, since I had to put my Bubba to sleep. Miss him so house seems so empty. He was always here when I left and here when I returned. He was 18.5 years old with renal kidney disease, but had survived 4 sign of sickness until about 2 weeks ago. He suddenly showed weight loss in 7day period, then 2 days before taking him to vet...he started to have trouble walking on his back legs and day before he had 3 seizures. Vet seem to think even without putting him through a lot of test, that he might have developed spleen cancer due to breath odor and feeling his spleen.
He hated going to Vet for medical checkups, so due to his age,past health issues and possible new problems...We came to the conclusion to save him from the pain and suffering. BUT now I am second guessing my decision and I can not change the situation. I just feel so GUILTY and I miss my fur baby.

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 9:35 pm
by bobbys girl
I am so sorry to hear about Bubba. 18.5 years is quite some time to share your life with someone. You must really be missing him.

It is hard to accept it at the moment but it really sounds like you made the right decision. There is a saying you will hear on here, better a day too soon than a day too late!

Many folks on CC will know what you are going through and we understand those feelings. I watched our old boy Tommy fade away due to CKD. We made the decision to take one last trip to the vets, but fate took it out of our hands and he was hit by a car as he tried to cross a road he never went on. I think that was his decision, but it still hurts.

RIP sweet Bubba. (Hugs) to you

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:31 pm
by Bubbamama99
Thanks bobbys girl for your comforting words.
I do miss my Bubba so much...just can't help but wish I had just one more day, but I know that wouldn't be long enough either.
His health declined so fast, now I look back over the past few weeks and realize how much more he was clinging to me, but being busy I would go about my business. He loved to be talked to and held, just wish he could have told me "Stop spend time with me, I won't be here soon". I did spend the last day and night completely at His beckon call.
Oh my broken heart it hurts so much!!!

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:56 am
by Janey
Hi, so sorry for your loss and I understand how you’re feeling right now having been through it a few times myself. I’ve taken mine and afterwards wished I’d left it longer and the opposite, wished I’d taken them sooner. I think it’s just a natural feeling because it’s something we never know and we’re left feeling that no matter what. I’m sure you did the right thing for your boy, it’s obvious you cared for him so much, and I’m sure he wouldn’t want you to be so heartbroken.
Take care and god bless little Bubba x

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 7:12 am
by fjm
I am so sorry, I know how it hurts. You gave him a long and happy life, and at the end you helped him to a peaceful, painless passing, despite your own grief. You have nothing to feel guilty about, but the "if onlys" seem to be an inevitable part of our sorrow at losing those we love. I once waited too long, holding a sick and distressed cat through one last night... There is much truth in the saying "Better a day too soon than a day too late".

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:21 pm
by Bubbamama99
Thanks everyone...kept myself busy over the weekend. I admit it was an easier than last weekend. But today feel some grief boiling in my heart, Just miss my Bubba so much.
I placed his grave marker on Saturday and planted a flower. He had his special places in his home and he will have that in his final resting place.
RIP Our Bubba!!

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:21 pm
by Bubbamama99
Thanks everyone...kept myself busy over the weekend. I admit it was an easier than last weekend. But today feel some grief boiling in my heart, Just miss my Bubba so much.
I placed his grave marker on Saturday and planted a flower. He had his special places in his home and he will have that in his final resting place.
RIP Our Bubba!!

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 7:07 pm
by Gabby
Hi, Im so sorry for your loss I really do know what you are going through as 6 weeks ago I lost my beloved Gizzmo who was 17 years old. He too had renal kidney disease but only had it for a year and a half. He went off his food from time to time so we decided to take him to the vet only to discover he too had cancer and was told it would be best to put him to sleep or take him home for awhile. I too think maybe I made the wrong decision by putting him to sleep and only now do I realise it was the best for him, not me. I really can feel your pain as I was heart broken when I had to let him go and only now am I thinking of the happy times we had.

Re: One week since my fur baby had to leave.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 8:45 am
by AndyMac
Hi Bubbamama - I lost my Jet last Friday evening. She had just turned 14 and was diagnosed with cancer in her abdomen about 4 weeks ago. In the final few days she developed fluid on her lungs and it was so painful to watch her trying to get a breath and being in discomfort. I made the decision to have her put-to-sleep. Like you it has broke my heart and have cried for days especially in the mornings when I get up and she is not laying on the bed or she didnt wake me at 05.00am looking fed. The house feels so empty without her and find myself checking in the dining room to look at her food bowls even tho they are no longer there - just habit to check if she had eaten.

I am getting her ashes and I work in a photo shop at the weekends so I made a keyring and photo block with a nice photo of her to remind me of her. The first few days I held a ribbon she used to play with as a security blanket. I had to go to work on Saturday and think I was still in shock as it didnt hit me until I was driving home and realsied she would not be at the door to greet me and complain that I had left her so long without food. I cried driving up the street and the past few days I have been walking around the house with no purpose. When you tell people of the loss the first question is 'would you get another?' - for me at this moment I would say no but maybe in time I might reconsider.