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My heart aches for my little lad Jareth

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:25 pm
by Hav
I had to make the terrible choice and have my 1 year old cat put to sleep on Friday night.

It was so traumatic seeing his little eyes look at me as I left the consultation room. I'm afraid I couldn't bring myself to be strong enough to be with him whilst he went, but my partner stayed with him throughout and said he looked peaceful.

On Friday night (and this might sound dramatic) i felt like a murderer for making the choice on his behalf. He was battling FLUTD and despite medication and surgery he hadn't responded to anything. I was watching him start to decline so we discussed our options with our vet who said there were no other options available. So the time came.

I didn't want that time to come, but knew it was kinder for him.

I just feel like he's been robbed of a life. I hope he knows we tried everything for him.

The worst feeling is when I walk into the house and he's not there running to greet me. I just hope all these thoughts in my head stop and in time I can just enjoy his memory

Re: My heart aches for my little lad Jareth

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:40 pm
by bobbys girl
So sorry for your loss. It is never an easy decision to make. Your little one is at peace now

Re: My heart aches for my little lad Jareth

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:05 pm
by stevekaty
HI ,

I read your story on the forum, you tired everything for him, and he just wasn't well. It is hard to see right now, but it was an act of kindness, the vet tried everything, sometimes we do not get the results we want.

It hard right now, let yourself cry when you need to, its normal..

It will get better,

Take care.

Re: My heart aches for my little lad Jareth

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:51 pm
by kittiesmom
So sorry for your sad loss, you did all you could and more. I know its a hard decision to make as I had the same last year but it does get easier but you will always have your memories. Hugs to

Re: My heart aches for my little lad Jareth

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:54 pm
by Crewella
I was so sorry to hear this, I know how much you struggled with this. ((((hugs))))

RIP beautiful and much loved Jareth.

Re: My heart aches for my little lad Jareth

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:33 pm
by Hav
Thanks everybody for your kind words. It's really appreciated. Still miss him like crazy. But always in my heart :-)