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Temporary rehoming

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:34 am
by Chicaneamy
Hi there, I am looking to temporarily rehoming my cat (Nyla)for just under 2 months, so for 1 months and 2 weeks.
The reason for this is, ever since my other cat got pregnant (Dolly) (please don’t come at me I never intended to get her pregnant and she is already booked in to the vets to be done once the kittens are weaned off her, she is a ragdoll who I keep indoors, but happened to escape one of my windows and went missing for 4 days, I was absolutely terrified when this happened but I’m just glad my darling is back with me) but yes as I was saying ever since she has had her kittens my other cat (Nyla) has been extremely aggressive with her, my other 2 cats and myself and my partner. When she is alone in a room on her own she is completely fine, and will be the most loving girl ever. She has never been this way before. She used to get on with my other 3 cats (Dolly, Rosie, Tiggs) really well and used to groom each other, play, sleep together everything you can think of!!!! I just want her rehomed until the kittens are gone (they have just turned 2 weeks on Sunday), I hate seeing her in this much stress and I simply can not cope with the aggression towards me and others in my household. I was sat on the sofa about 3 days ago, when she leaped at my head and attacked me leaving me with scratches on my neck, scalp arms and hands. I was almost in fear of her, to turn around and see that my other cat (Rosie) was at the other side of the room! So she is completely unhappy with this new company. She was my first cat I’d ever gotten, she’s 2 years old, she has been microchipped and neutered, she is honestly an angel I promise and she is usually outdoors about 70% of the time!!! But she loves her fuss, food and sleep! She is very loving really, I think this is a territorial issue.
I had got in contact with cats protection, who said they’d call me back within 7 days, and also told me to post on here in case I hear back from someone sooner.

If you are a fosterer with a local company please contact me.
I am in Leamington Spa. My email is : [email protected]

Re: Temporary rehoming

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:14 am
by Cat-FAQ

We are often asked about temporary fostering services, and our Help Desk has a comprehensive list of suggestions. Also, they may have details of regional fostering services available in your area. So I would suggest emailing them on: cat.advice (at) letting them know about your situation and that you live in Leamington Spa, and they will send you all our current suggestions.

In the meantime, the following pages on the main Cat Chat site might be useful for you, if you haven’t already seen them:

Cat Chat’s Understanding Cat Aggression page, which offers advice on the most common causes of cat aggression, and how to recognise and deal with it: ... aggression

Cat Chat’s Cat Introductions & Hierarchies page, which offers advice on introducing cats and preventing conflicts between cats:

Hope that helps.