Delivery & Returns

Customers have the right to cancel their order and return the goods within seven working days, starting from the day after receipt of the goods, without giving a reason. In the unlikely event of goods being faulty please let us know within seven days of receipt for a full refund or exchange.
You may return the goods to us for a full refund or exchange to: Cat Chat, PO Box 358, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 6YP. Donations made to the Charity are non-refundable. Whilst we endeavour to ensure the accuracy of information relating to goods offered for sale on this site, price and availability information is subject to change without notice. Your Statutory rights as a consumer are not affected.

Please allow 14 days for delivery, although we are normally much quicker than that

Any complaints or comments should be directed to Cat Chat as follows:
Email: [email protected]
Post: Cat Chat, PO Box 358, Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 6YP

All information on this website is represented in good faith. We try to be as accurate and informative as possible, correcting any errors brought to our notice in a timely fashion. However we take no responsibility for any damage or loss occurring from the use of the information herein nor are we responsible for the information or services of sites we have linked to. Such links are provided for convenience and information and are not an endorsement by Cat Chat.

All rights in this website, including copyright, website design, text and graphics, are owned by Cat Chat (registered charity no. 1100649). Any use of the site or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use is prohibited without the permission of Cat Chat. All rights reserved.