The adventures of Emaari, from Arabian princess to Yorkshire lass

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The adventures of Emaari, from Arabian princess to Yorkshire lass

Post by MissEmaariMoo »

Hello all. Back in 2010, I was starting a new job in Dubai. One evening, I was leaving work, when I saw a small group of people gathered round an injured tabby kitten. She had huge eyes and a survival instinct – she had found her way to where people were and was demanding to be rescued. No one had any bright ideas and the cat rescue charities were full, so a friend helped me to put the kitten in a box, and drove me to a local vets. As we drove I stroked the kitten in the box. Despite her injuries and fear, she purred. The vet told me that the kitten had a complicated leg fracture and a tear around her mouth. He couldn’t say how the injuries had come about – probably a car accident. He said if he operated, she would need an external pin to set the leg for several weeks. He couldn’t do this and then put her back on the streets. So he would probably put her to sleep. Unless I wanted to adopt her?

And that is how, before I had received my first pay cheque or got the keys to my new flat, I found myself the proud owner of a kitten! I named her Emaari (after Emaar Square, where she was found). She made a rapid and full recovery and was as lively as a young kitten is (the vet estimated she was about 6 months old at the time, I think she weighed less than a kilogram). But she was also affectionate. I later found out she belongs to the Arabian Mao breed – a recently discovered breed which is characterised by long bodies, high levels of affection and a lot of miaowing. She kept me company, with lots of purry cuddles and love for the three and half years.

After that time, I was ready to return home to the UK. I tried to find a home for Emaari, but unfortunately, Dubai is overrun with street cats. The cat rescue homes were still full. I had one response to the advert I posted online – a girl who took Emaari home for a trial night. The first thing she did was put Emaari in the shower – Emaari’s reponse did not go down well! She duly returned Emaari to me the next day. I called the cats’ homes again. I was told if there was really no option, please could I put her to sleep rather than leaving her out on the street, as this happens a lot in Dubai and, once domesticated, cats can’t cope with street life any more. Of course, she was a beautiful healthy cat – this was the last thing I wanted to do.

I couldn’t bring the cat to my flat in London – it is tiny and she is used to having outside space. I don’t even have room for a litter tray! At the end of my tether, I spoke to my wonderful parents, who offered to have her. So, in the spring of 2014, Emaari travelled with ‘Pets on Jets’ to Manchester Airport, where she was supposed to meet my dad. Unfortunately it didn’t quite work out like that, as she and my dad both arrived in some of the highest winds in recent years: Emaari was diverted to Glasgow, while my dad was diverted to Birmingham! Eventually, they were reunited and Emaari was unscathed. She was her old affectionate, talkative, purry and hungry self.

Nearly four years later, she has settled down in Yorkshire, and even adapted to the weather. But my parents are in their 70s, and both have health problems. They have been extremely kind but they are not cat people, and I would love to be able to find Emaari another (loving) home. I would be happy to bring her to anyone who could offer a home in the UK, and to help with expenses. In return, Emaari would offer you a lot of cuddles. At nearly 8 years old, she is still a ‘miaower’. But she is self-sufficient and cuddly. There is nothing she likes more than a whole day in bed.

Emaari has had an eventful life so far. I would be so grateful if you could help me find the next stage to her adventure.
As a kitten
As a kitten
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Re: The adventures of Emaari, from Arabian princess to Yorkshire lass

Post by bobbys girl »

She really is a beauty and what a wonderful story! I'm sorry I can't help but I do hope you can find her a forever home soon.
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