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Charlie needs a new, loving home! - Croydon, South London

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 1:30 pm
by Charlieneedsahome
Hello everyone,

My cat Charlie is in need of a new home, and it breaks my heart to say it! :(

He is a healthy 2 year old shorthaired tortoiseshell cat who has been loved and adored, but he isn't happy here.

The situation is that I got Charlie in April 2012 when he was 8 weeks old and loved him from the moment I saw him. I was living with my mum at the time, but in June 2013 I got a new job and had to move to Reading. Unfortunately I couldn't take Charlie with me as I could only afford to rent a room in someone's house. My mum has been looking after him since I left (and of course I supported his upkeep financially) but she can't handle looking after him anymore and it's making it difficult for her to do anything. He is an indoor cat so needs a lot of attention and play which he isn't getting as much since I left so he can get quite boystrous and hyper. Not getting a lot of play time and being trapped inside is making him very unhappy and I can't bear for him to be unhappy which is why I have made the difficult decision to rehome him.

He is quite timid around new people and will run and hide for a bit until his curiosity gets the better of him and he comes out to say hello. But once he trusts you he is very loving and content and very playful.

As I said he has no health issues and he is beautifully coloured (with white feet). Ideally I would like him to go to a home where he can go outside as it's clear that he wants to go out and explore but we live in a flat so that hasn't been possible. So ideally a house with a garden in a loving family home where he gets lots of attention and play time so he doesn't get bored! He has never lashed out and hurt anyone but he does like to play rough when he is bored, so he loves playtime with toys especially anything with bells or ropes/string (and of course a laser pointer). He loves cuddles, sitting on people's shoulders, dinnertime, and chasing/catching flies in summer (he's got it down to a fine art now)!

Please help me find somewhere for him where he will be happy again, that's all I could ever want for him!

I have plenty of photos to send to anyone but the files are too big to upload so it won't let me!

My email address is: [email protected]

Re: Charlie needs a new, loving home! - Croydon, South Londo

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 2:27 pm
by Kay
if Charlie is a male tortieshell, then he is very rare indeed, and I suspect it would be easy to drum up some interest in rehoming him based on that fact

Re: Charlie needs a new, loving home! - Croydon, South Londo

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 2:30 pm
by Charlieneedsahome
Thanks for the advice Kay! :)

Yes he is a male shorthaired tortoiseshell, I will try and post photos on here when I can get to a proper computer to reduce the picture size!

He has been neutered and received his injections (I have the documents to show the injections)