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New homes needed for 2 unhappy old ladies in Mirfield (WF14)

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:26 pm
by streetmj01
Daisy (16) and Sadie (14+) have lived with us happily since we re-homed them from rescue centres as kittens. Over 6 months ago an un-neutered tom arrived next door. He was aggressive and moved into their territory. Over time they have become reclusive and frightened to use their catflap. He has broken the catflap by forcing his way in and terrorising them! Although he has now been neutered, his behaviour seems set and they are housebound, only going out reluctantly when we are in the garden. They are obviously unhappy which makes us sad, too. Is there anyone who could give either or both a happy home for their last few years. We have racked our brains to find an answer and this is a last resort in desperation.

Re: New homes needed for 2 unhappy old ladies in Mirfield (W

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 8:06 am
by greenkitty
What a sad situation for your old ladies, can you cat proof your garden so he can't get in (and they can't get out) but they can still enjoy their garden?

Re: New homes needed for 2 unhappy old ladies in Mirfield (W

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:33 am
by streetmj01
greenkitty wrote:What a sad situation for your old ladies, can you cat proof your garden so he can't get in (and they can't get out) but they can still enjoy their garden?
I don't think this is a practical option either on economical or practical grounds. Our neighbour on the other side had a quote of over £6000 to do something similar.

Re: New homes needed for 2 unhappy old ladies in Mirfield (W

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 9:55 am
by Jacks
Being realistic you're unlikely to find homes for cats of this age and it's their home as well... Depending on your schedule I would suggest supervised access to the garden with a water pistol which you can aim at Tom when he comes into the garden.

I have adopted a feral Tom who I trapped and neutered 8 months ago. His behaviour slowly changed and only about a month ago we started making progress and now our eldest girl whacks him but tolerates him, the middle girl and he play together (she used to be terrified of him) and only the youngest, (who he used to attack worst) is a work in progress. We manage them with doors. He now sleeps in the kitchen in a dog basket and is as good as gold most of the time. And he was a wild boy, having been unneutered and abandoned several years ago.

I think your best option is to make the indoors as nice as possible (some lowish stepped climbing places, etc., make sure they can get onto window ledges where they can watch the world without him getting to the window, block up the cat flap and only let them in the garden if they want to go, and with you to supervise. And get a water pistol...

Re: New homes needed for 2 unhappy old ladies in Mirfield (W

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 10:28 am
by greenkitty
A friend has cat proofed her own garden for a few hundred pounds, I've asked to her to pop onto the thread to see if she can offer some advice.

Re: New homes needed for 2 unhappy old ladies in Mirfield (W

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 10:37 am
by meriad
Hi there - I've cat proofed and as Greenkitty said it didn't cost anywhere near the £6000 your neighbour was quoted, that is extortionate :shock:

hopefully this link will work ... 20Proofing" onclick=";return false; it's a few photo's of what I did. I've done both my front and back gardens and it didn't take more than a day to do it; and I did it all myself - I'd have to work it out, but the total cost for both front and back was less than £600. Brackets I got from screwfix (they are building restraint straps), the netting is simple fruit cage netting and it's attached to the brackets with cable ties.

The back garden has been cat proofed for over 2 years and it does have one or two week spots, but mainly because of a large shed in the corner of the garden. The front has been done for over a year and is totally secure.

If you think this is something you'd be interested in and want more information let me know; but I promise as long as you have some DIY skills; an electric screwdriver and a metal saw you're fine.

And once cat proofed; the other cat won't be able to get in and hopefully in time your two girls will once again learn to enjoy being outside. I am very happy with the way mine worked out and I 100% recommend it to everyone.