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Temp Home Needed Please!

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:53 am
by inneedofhelp
Hi all,

I have two neutered male Arabian Mau brothers that urgently need a temporary foster home. I brought these cats back home when I moved back from abroad and unfortunately they haven't been able to integrate with my neighbours cats. It's got to the point now that the neighbours have become aggressive towards myself and have resorted to sending threatening letters / banging on the front door and windows at un godly hours in the morning. I'm a little worried they may put out poison.

Unfortunately, I can't keep the cats in either as there is a "need" for them to go outside. They try to escape through open windows if I keep them in and I'm worried they may hurt them selves. I have a long term solution, and that is that my father is moving to an area with land and a low cat density. But that won't be taking place for another 3-6 months!

Is there somebody or an organisation that could foster them for a little while? I'm at breaking point right now and need a little help. I'd pay for food/ vet bills and any reasonable expenditure, just until I can put them in their forever home in the country.


Re: Temp Home Needed Please!

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 8:00 am
by angelaj

I am sorry you are having problems with your neighbours and their cats.

Would it be possible to have a catio for your cats; so that they can go outside but be safe from neighbours cats and consequently the neighbours? They could then go out of a window or cat flap into the catio without you needing to worry that they could get hurt.
It is sad that cats can't understand that you are trying to keep them safe by keeping them inside; do they get bored and that is why they are trying to escape?
If temporarily rehoming is your only option you may need to consider a cattery? I understand that it would be costly but if it for 3 months you may be able to get a reduced fee for a longer stay?
I hope you find the answers you need.

Re: Temp Home Needed Please!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:15 pm
by Cat-FAQ

As Angela said, a catio would be a good idea, and keep everyone happy!

If you are still looking for temporary accommodation suggestions you could email Cat Chat’s Help Desk for further advice: cat.advice (at)

Good luck!