Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

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Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

Hi everyone

I am new on here and welcome any advice. My situation is myself, partner and 3 year son are looking to get a boy Siamese kitten soon (in the next fe months) once we've purchased everything we need (cat bed, nail clippers etc...).

There is so much conflicting information about Siamese cats a bit like Staffu dogs you mention to one your getting a Siamese cat they are like they r brilliant so playful yet loving and then next person says how angry they are all the time.

We work full time and are out of the house 8 hours 5 days. However I've been told leaving the telly on or radio will make them feel more comfortable which is absolutely fine. A second cat is not an option for us.

I've done quiet a lot of research about neutering and injections they need annually and they need a high protein diet a mixture of meat and biscuit twice a day etc...

But I am yet to speak to someone who actually owns one and give me really advice rather than what they think if you know what I mean. My son is good at listening and is familiar with dogs and handling them gently and be careful around them etc.. So I have no worries about him being over the top with kitten however saying that he's 3 years I'm sure there will be times where he cat avoids or something.

Hope someone out there can tell me what it's like to live with these beautiful creatures as we feel our family is solid enough and our home is suitable to offer a Siamese a forever home.

Thank you x
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Lilith »

Hi, Jen-Jack (sorry I can't get the space right in your name) and welcome.

Siamese! I owned Siamese for many years, and bred them too. I adore them! It was just by chance that, after my last Siamese died at 11 and then her three-quarter 'Mese 'cousin' at 17, and I was left with an empty house and not really ready to go looking for another cat, that the local ferals got me lol. Moved in and that was that. Mind you a couple of them were obviously part 'Mese so I didn't miss out.

However. Siamese are 'needy' cats. They need you all day and often all night too, if only to be in the house and to sleep on. TV or radio, though useful, aren't a substitute. I honestly couldn't recommend a Siamese if it meant you had to leave it alone for 8 hours a day, five days a week. In fact I wouldn't really recommend doing that with any kitten, not even the most placid breed or moggie.

There's a lot of tosh talked about the Siamese temperament; I found all mine to be intensely loving and possessive - but needy. Also active (kittens never stop and when they grow up they're not much better - hide the breakables and buy your curtains from Oxfam.) They're as much hard work as a small child, and (another point) personally I wouldn't sell a kitten to a family with small children if I was still breeding. No reflection on the child; toddlers are all so different. I once knew someone who bought a lilac-point when her son was around two; the pair were inseparable and she could leave Adam sitting in the corner of the sofa with Willow curled up between his legs. But taking on a Siamese is like taking on another child, and coupled with the fact that you obviously both work, you might well find that you've taken on a bit too much.

In fact, given the fact that you both work, that you have a small child, that you're only considering one kitten, I couldn't recommend your taking on any kitten at the moment. Often in these circumstances, if an owner's working full-time, adopting an older, more placid cat can work. But this is still leaving a small child out of the equation; the cat will still need company. Two kittens can keep each other amused but, whatever their ancestry, I'm not so sure of it working when you come home with a demanding small child to a rampaged-in house and overflowing cat trays. And two demanding small kittens.

I'm so sorry to sound so dampening. I longed all my life for a Siamese until I go one; they're addictive and I realise how you must feel. But I really don't feel that at present this is going to be workable for you. Perhaps once your son is at school and if you or your partner could work part-time/different hours and spend more time at home in the day, it would be the time to introduce a Siamese, or any other kitten, into your household.

This is only my personal viewpoint of course.

I DO hope you get your Siamese, even if you have to put off the idea for a while; you obviously love the breed so much and you're doing your research, but it wouldn't be fair to you or your family to tell you how wonderful Siamese are and not point out the drawbacks. All the very best :)
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Ruth B »

While I haven't had any personal experience with Siamese I have heard from a friend that has two that they are very intelligent and can easily become bored, leading to them finding their own entertainment.

What I did want to add, is have you considered contacting one of the Siamese rescue charities. You might be able to get one or two adult siamese instead of a kitten. The rescue could probably help with what the cats' personalities are like as they will already have developed and pair you up with ones suitable for your situation. If it was a rescue specialising in the breed they could also give a lot of advice as to how to keep them entertained while you are out. While pure breed cats aren't up for re homing as often as moggies, it does happen. One of my family members worked at a rescue charity and they had a Ragdoll handed over (which happened just as we were looking for another cat), they also had a Siamese in one time and contacted one of the specialist organisations to make sure it went to a suitable new home.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

Thanks for your information and thoughts on my situation. We have looked at rescue's and typically I suppose thought oh we will get a kitten cos we can learn about each other and we don't know what we gonna get with a rescue I suppose. We have had a rescue Persian before who was elderly when we got her about 15 and she couldn't have been any more laid back. Lay on hair on my pillow at night. Lovely cat. What attracts us to Siamese is obviously their intiscising looks but also the fact they are like a little person hopefully who will become firms life long friends with us and my son. I've done research about the benefit of children growing up with pets and as someone who grew up with dogs I firmly agree. My partner had his first moggie from being 2 years old. I know I will have my work cut out at first getting everyone into a routine but it will be worth it I'm sure.

I want to make sure I know as much as possible and have everything I need at home. One thing I wanted to ask was someone mentioned a "kitten cage" I really don't like the idea of cages as after all my home is their home now but is this something you would recommend at first?? We won't be getting a any kitty till we have some annual leave for a couple of weeks so we have time to settle them and they get use to everything.

Also is there any "must have's" like certain brushes etc..

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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Lilith »

Lol, a Siamese is a person all right - as is every cat, but a Siamese more so.

Kitten cage? Heaven forbid! What a kitten likes is to have a quiet place to hide away safely until it has sussed out the household, which doesn't take very long in the case of a Siamese, but then it likes to spend every minute of the day WITH you. A Siamese hates to be shut away or left alone - loneliness is the ultimate misery for a Siamese. They really hate solitary confinement. (As do many cats, of whatever ancestry.)

You don't need any special equipment for a Siamese; one of those rubber brushes is ideal. You really don't need anything special or fancy - just the usual commonsense stuff.

Is there any chance of you or your partner going home in the middle of the day to spend a short while with the Siamese? Or a friend or neighbour who could visit? Again sorry to sound so off-putting but I really feel it's a long time to leave a kitten and especially a Siamese on its own on a regular basis.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

No your not sounding off at all and I am really grateful for all your help and advice! I am really glad I found this forum.

There is someone I could speak to. my father who lives 3 miles I could speak to him about coming up and spend some time with the kitten early afternoons. That might be something I'll have to arrange. We don't have any one else ( I have a very small family) to ask.

I knew the kitten cage didn't sound right. I want the kitty to feel at home as soon as possible. One thing you might be able to advice one ( I noticed from your post on general chat you are very experienced and have had lots of cats). Neutering I know this should be done before 6 months how old would you say?

Thank you.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Lilith »

Ah. That would be ideal if you could ask your father to Siamese-sit. They say cats don't suffer from separation-anxiety but I think Siamese do. Or else attention-deprivation. Honestly they are a culture-shock. It's like being invaded by a very charming and manic monkey with a will of steel; never a dull moment. You may find your three-year old a breeze, after a Siamese ... oops, breaking into verse there lol.

Thank you for the kind words, I've lived with a lot of cats, but I've been glad to find this forum too as I'm very behind the times re modern meds/practice and the last male cats I had neutered were adult feral toms, over 10 years ago. There is always, but always, something to learn anyway; it's a learning curve and that's another thing that makes cats so interesting. I always had my boys neutered at 6 months but I believe now the age is earlier - might be a good idea to ask your vet, but there are other people on here who will know.

I do hope you will be able to get your Siamese and make everything work :)
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

Thank you I'll look into that a little more about neutering. we will be deffo getting the furry baby done as they will be a pet to be treasured. I'll speak the vet that I plan to register him at near the time when we're gonna get him.

I feel more research I do the more prepared we will be as family to welcome the kitten into our home. My main concern is making sure that is he is not stressed and doesn't become destructive or crying at night.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Lilith »

He will be destructive. They don't mean to be, but they are. Curtain-climbing is a Siamese national sport. I dread to think what they'd do to a blind. And watch out for blind pulls, strings, whatever they call them. I once came on my Mouse (herself part Siamese) caught by the throat and swinging in the loop of a blind pull :o And they're may hear a crash and rush to the scene of crime to find your 'Mese sitting on a shelf looking in wonderment at the fragments below. ('What happened? Why did it do that?') Nothing, but nothing is sacred to a Siamese. Except a Siamese. Stair carpet? Don't think about it. Unless you appreciate it being errm customised (though mere moggies are expert at that!) As I once told someone, 'I have no objets d'art' (no, because if I had had any the little horrors would have wrecked or smashed them!) 'My cats are my objets d'art.' And that went for my moggies too.

I indulge a taste for bric-a-brac nowadays despite my youngest cat who is TERRIBLE, but my collection had to be packed away in the days of the Siamese.

But he won't cry at night. As long as he's tucked up between you and your OH. You may not be left with much bed, but he won't cry at night.

Tell you what, get hold of the cat books of Doreen Tovey (cheap secondhand on Amazon.) They're a good entertaining read; they'll make you laugh and make you cry, but they really do give a good picture of what it's like, life with Siamese. Only criticism I have to make is, they were written circa 1960 and a couple of times mention smacking cats :evil: but apart from that they're brilliant!
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

Haha little monkeys. We have blinds and all our cords are secured high up on the walls in every room (child proof) so we will see if it's kitten proof too haha. I should think jack might loose a few soft toys to the kitten though.

Stairs carpet?? I will do my best to train them to strach on the activity centre we play to get.

I've read about leaving the kitten in one room for a week or so with all their belongings before allowing them the venture more. It says this makes them feel more secure. Would you agree? I've found those books on Amazon they look a good read something I will deff be reading. Thank you.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by mr_frisky »

Why not get 2 so they will keep each other company during the day?

One of mine is half-siamese (pictured in my avatar) and she is demanding and affectionate, and also climbs me and rides around on my shoulder. She isn't overly concerned if I leave her.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

i never really wanted two due to a few reasons (space, cost etc) but I suppose if the kitten didn't settle well it's something we might have to consider. I want to make this settling in period as easy as possible for the kitten as it's going to be a member of the family for life and hopefully a life long friend for our son.

We have looked at crosses and it's something we would consider.

Your cat has beautiful colouring and those pointy ears are the clear sign it's half mese. How did ur's settle when they were young? Thanks
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by mr_frisky »

Mine were born in my back garden from a pregnant neighbours' cat, so I've had them from literally day1, so no really settling in needed, especially as I kept the kittens and the mother!
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Lilith »

:lol: I have a surprise for you Mr Frisky :lol:

I've often admired that beautiful girl on your avatar and wanted to ask about her - but no way is she half Siamese. A half Siamese will inherit the lanky frame/long face/big ears/loud voice but it WON'T inherit blue eyes or points. I'm not an expert on genetics though I studied them a bit when breeding, but I do know that to produce that marvellous girl, Siamese genes would have had to be carried on both sides. Does she have points or is she an all-over calico? She is gorgeous - do you have a full pic of her? And she got born in your garden? I don't know, some people have all the luck!

Hi Jen it would be a brilliant idea to get a crossbreed or moggie to keep your boy company (expensive to buy two pedigree kittens I realise!) And I don't think the friendship would detract from their relationship with you and the family either. Double benefits in fact,if you can stand the extra mischief because of course the 'companion' would turn into an honorary Siamese...

It DOES help a Siamese to have company although they're incurably nosy - as we say round here, they want to know the far end of a f*rt! :D

During Jacinth's (my first Siamese's) lifetime, I had to go into hospital for a couple of days and on the ward was a little elderly Scots lady who never stopped (I think she was in with a wonky pacemaker - she didn't give herself much rest!) Whatever went on, you could hear her - 'I'm just going tae investigate'...

It was a catchphrase for years afterwards with Jassy and the others - 'I'm just going tae investigate...' :lol:
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by mr_frisky »

Hi Lilith

Here are some full body pics:
kit small1.jpg
kit small1.jpg (72.11 KiB) Viewed 6921 times
kitt small2.jpg
kitt small2.jpg (99.51 KiB) Viewed 6921 times
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by catslave16 »

OMG those sapphire eyes! Simply stunning. Siamese schmiamese is what I would say (but won't) :)
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by MarySkater »

Beautiful markings.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Lilith »


She is just one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen! I bet you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw her. Did she start out the usual white and develop her points at a few weeks old, like they do?

It's amazing what comes up in these crossbred litters; you may have noticed me mentioning a couple of feral litters I was involved with; one was all ginger, the other was 2 ginger, a black semi-longhair of Oriental type, and a little longhaired tortie - but a dilute tortie with few markings, so that she was a ball of smoky beige fluff, with just one blonde streak down her nose. I bet she didn't stay in the shelter long! Talk about a chocolate box kitten! :)
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by mr_frisky »

Well, she certainly sounds and acts like a Siamese, but her origins are uncertain, apart from her Moggy mother.

Her face gradually got darker but only on one side. Here are a couple of pics from when she was a few weeks old.

kit1.jpg (14.69 KiB) Viewed 6881 times
kit2.jpg (57.18 KiB) Viewed 6881 times
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

Aww she's beautiful I wouldn't have been able to resist.

A few years ago a black moggy stray took a shine to me and followed me home and literally sat on my sofa with while having a brew then he went home. Cat they do the funniest things.

So my update is still no kitten. But I have rung and spoke with a breeder and asked for advice about interaction with children and she's said they are like dogs in cats bodies and her cats n kittens have been brought up around children so should be fine. She also said Siamese are really misunderstood by many and are very beautiful natural protectors and will be very loyal if treated well. I asked about the being on their own thing and she said hers are left while she works but she has the mum and dad cat. So me and my partner have parked the idea for now while we do some more research. we are not rushing into anything as we want it to work for us as a family.
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Jen_jack1986 »

One other breed has been brought to our attention which sounds like it might be a better fit for us. Tonkinese. Apparently they are calmer, Quieter and more placid. Any thoughts on that?
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Re: Advice please - getting a Siamese kitten soon

Post by Lilith »

Awww! Mr Frisky, cute is an over-used word, but...

She is CUTE and so is that tabby :D

Hi Jen, I was going to say I didn't know about Tonkinese but then googled them and they're Siamese/Burmese. We-ell...again this is just personal experience but my youngest cat Molly, aka the Ginger Ninja, seems to be part Burmese, and she makes my Siamese seem like a row of stuffed teddy bears...Another member on here has a Burmese/Burmese cross - ... =19&t=5041

So I'm not sure. They can't ALL be like that...can they? :o

You could talk to more breeders/breed clubs, and get a wider picture. You're so right to be researching into this thoroughly; I adopted Moll on the spur of the moment and oh my word. Put it this way, there is no way I could have coped with a career, marriage and child and a Molly as well! :shock:
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