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Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:05 am
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
How's the little princess this morning, Carol? Pepsi and I were thinking about her in the garden this morning. That was before madam was hand fed a mixture of Lick e lix with supplements and Gourmet ocean fish pâté. Remember to have some kitchen towel with you when you feed your girl! Hope dear Fluff is doing okay this morning.

And dear Barney, Julie? Is he back on track? Xx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:12 am
by HRHFluffy
Thanks Mark, it would be great if you could send some Fibre Response :) I was looking up on about lactulose and miralax and it seems that miralax is better for CKD so I might look into ordering some soon. Vet said that once lactulose had worked with Fluffy and she had passed a stool that I was to then start giving her the granules instead permanently. She passed a very large stool last night so I've stopped the lactulose. The granules are Peridale. They're for both cats and dogs. I've looked them up and not sure if they will make her dehydrated. I've never heard of them before. Vet said it would replace the bezo pet paste I'd previously used and should help prevent constipation in the future. Sometimes I wonder if I just make matters worse by googling meds. I asked the vet if it would be ok for her kidneys and he said that it would. Let me know if you need my contact details and I'll email you.

Morning Sarah. Little princess is doing ok I think. Still a little quiet but more vocal and responsive than she was yesterday. Judging by the amount that's come out of her she must have been constipated for some time. So you hand feed gourmet mixed with lik-e-lix!! That is ultra messy isn't it. However I might have to do that myself today as madam has refused her lik-e-lix and it's got her new granules in. Thanks for the tips about the kitchen towel. Think I'll be needing it!!!

Julie I hope Barney is feeling better this morning and isn't in discomfort.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:52 am
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
Glad to hear that Fluff is on the mend and used her tray nicely. Yes, sometimes my girl refuses lick e lix plus meds on its own but will accept if mixed with pate! Diva just doesn't cover it. Got to love them, don't we!

We have fibre response too so feel free to email me your address and I'll send you a sample bag too. Xx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:49 am
by MarkB
Hi Carol,

My vet prescribed Peridale for Laz when he was first diagnosed, but his poos were like rubber bullets with it. It sort of worked but the poos were coming out of him in random places. Apparently fibre response has other things apart from Psyllium in. Although it bulks the poos, they seem more lubricated than they did with Peridale. My other (minor) concern was that it contained artificial beef flavouring. It swelled in the wet food and made a kind of orange jelly. He was happy to eat it though.

Anyway, I am off out now but happy to send you some fibre response tomorrow unless Sarah sends you some sooner :)

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:06 am
by HRHFluffy
Thanks Sarah and Mark. You are both very kind to offer to send us some fibre response. Sarah, I'll take you up on the offer if that's ok. I'll email you. Mark if you're busy today then don't worry. We don't want to be any trouble. Well, I don't anyway. Can't speak on Fluffy's behalf :D

Mark I didn't like the look of the orange granules earlier. Vet said to leave them for a while to melt a bit and go soft. They were quite big!! Fluffy refused them. No surprise there. Don't like the sound of it making the stools rubbery.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:38 pm
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
Dear Fluff

I know this is a Fred for the Mummies and Daddies but just so you can see I am
finking about you, sister.

Love, Pepsi xx
image.jpg (41.01 KiB) Viewed 7785 times

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:54 pm
by HRHFluffy
Awww that's brilliant!! Pepsi you do look very lovely sitting there enjoying the sun in your new garden :D xxx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:45 pm
by Lyn from Australia
Poor HRH. No wonder she's so mortified on Dora's thread. In a multi-cat household and not knowing whose pooh is whose, it's handy to know there are other symptoms of constipation that I'll bear in mind for the future. Thanks Mark and Fluff.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:59 pm
by JulieandBarney
Hi Sarah and Carol, glad to hear Fluffy is doing a little better....still no 'movements' from Barney, but he is very bright, eating well and as playful as ever....just wish he would go to the loo !!!...I will give it another day or so and if he's not improved, or becomes lethargic then it's off to the vet with him !!....My OH said I am paranoid as I watch every times he's within a mile of his tray !!...Ive given him some pomegranate and chicken Applaws with Hi Life chicken and some warm water which he has will keep fingers crossed, he's on my lap now trying his level best to stomp all over the keyboard and happily purring away !!!! :roll:

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:26 pm
by JulieandBarney
:D Thank the Lord !! Barney has eventually 'been' ....I was so worried for him, but it seems the pomegranate and chicken Applaws and Hi Life did their trick at last !! ...Poor fella gets so 'bunged up' like Fluffy, it worries me so much, poor Carol, you must suffer even more. it's horrid to watch them I have the 'victory laps around the house to contend with, as he tries to tear down the curtains and basically leave a trail of destruction behind him !!!. (bearing in mind we have been told he is at least 7-8 years of age !)....I forgive the little fella anything to see him back to his normal self again.....I can replace a curtain easily, but I can't replace this little fella ......thank you Carol and Sarah for allowing me to take over HRH Fluffys post, thanks for your support yet again, Carol and Sarah, bless you, no doubt we will be here again soon !!!....Hope Fluffy feeling better too Carol.....x

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:36 pm
by Jacks
Oh no! Another thread I've been missing! Poor little HRH - I saw the comment on 'DDDD' and realised something had happened. We're lucky not to have had constipation issues but there are times when I think Sophie doesn't find it as easy to 'go' as the others - her offerings are somewhat small, stringy and often hair filled - I can always tell which are hers and I have wondered whether she will have problems at some time. Jessie is what I would think of as 'normal' and Lara, tiny little thing - produces enormous offerings always very healthy. Oh dear, I fear poogate is threatening once again...

I do hope the fibre food and the supplements start to have an effect - darling Fluffy already has so many medications and so much to put up with - but I'm guessing the relief of being able to go must have superceded any grumpiness with the indignities of the experience. When Sophie has her area shaved in the summer she always feels much better - you can tell by the energy levels.

Keeping fingers crossed for both Fluff and Barney that these problems are resolved. Loving fusses from Sophie and sisters xxxxx

Just been informed of a new post and see that Barney has been! Well done young man - your mum must be so relieved. How we worry about these little darlings xxxx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:46 pm
by HRHFluffy
Great news Julie :D

What a relief for you and a literal relief for Barney! No wonder he's doing several victory laps. He's a happy boy isn't he. You're a great mum and he obviously adores you. It is such a worry when they are clearly out of sorts. They don't realise that we are suffering with them. Hopefully you'll sleep better tonight. Fluffy seems to be doing ok. More like her chatty self this evening. Still not moving great. She has a box next to the bed to help her up but she has struggled a bit just getting on the box. She seems happier so I'm hoping she's just a bit sore from the poking and prodding and being so badly constipated. Give Barney B a cuddle from me and tell him we are overdue a photo of him. Still fondly remember the one of him on the sofa showing his belly xx

Hi Lyn, I'm glad Fluffy has had a part in helping you with other symptoms of constipation. I am sure she will be delighted when I tell her :D. Please say hi to all your babies from me. Hope the colour works. It's your influence Lyn. Giving us all ideas :)

Hi Jacks. Just caught your post before I posted this one. Fluffy forgives you for not noticing her thread. However I don't know whether your girls will be for giving a detailed description of their bowel movements :D . I can feel a protest of some sort coming on. Oh dear. Rather you than me in your household!! Thanks for the fusses from Sophie and sisters xxx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:01 pm
by Jacks
Ah, yes, I may well have dropped myself in it - it is one thing that concerns me in the long term with Sophie, that she may well be prone to the same sort of problems. Fluffy's experience is a warning of what to look out for I think... just so glad she's feeling better - and Barney too. xx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:06 pm
by HRHFluffy
Poor Sophie. I think the long fur doesn't help either. It definitely affects Fluffy's digestive system. Problem is she absolutely hates being brushed which makes matters worse. Glad Fluffy can be of help. Though she doesn't realise it :)

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:32 pm
by MarkB
Laz also finally went this morning and is all the better for it :)

Funny that so many of our cats had it at the same time :roll:

I think long hair makes the difference and I am convinced Laz's Megacolon was caused by long term ingesting fur/no brushing and no help when he got sick.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:31 am
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
Morning all, SO glad to hear that the boys have done their business too. What a worry it all is. I admit to peering very closely at my little family's offerings! Only Lou Lou is a little bit fluffy so that doesn't seem to contribute to any problems and fortunately she loves bring combed out. I was starting to wonder about Pepsi this morning as I cleaned her litter tray out. A big wee but no overnight poo. Oh, oops... There it is - on the floor next to the tray!!! Bless her! These old ladies...

Carol, the fibre response went off first class yesterday but it was after 4pm and I imagine first class to NI is at least two days anyway but perhaps you'll get it on Friday. Steve's cousin is over from Letterkenny for Colin's funeral. We were there a few years back and loved the Giant's Causeway. Had a great day there.

Fusses to Fluff, Barney, Laz, Sophie and her sisters and fond wishes to you all. I LOVE this forum!

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:22 am
by HRHFluffy
Mark I'm so pleased that Laz has had a bowel movement this morning. Hopefully he is back to his normal self and feeling so much better. Good boy Laz. I totally agree that the long fur is a problem. I can even hear in Fluffy's purr when she's got a fur ball in her throat. She purrs really loudly and then tries to swallow. Poor girl. If only she'd enjoy being brushed. I think this warm weather has started their moulting so that won't be helping with our constipation prone babies.

Morning Sarah, thanks so much for sending Fluff her food. We both really appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoyed Giant's Causeway. It's about 2-3hrs from where I live but I haven't been there myself yet! I've heard it is a great day out so sometime in the future I'm hoping to go. I'm not sure where Letterkenny is. I will look it up in a minute. Thinking of you all at the moment. Glad little Pepsi managed her poop. Even if it was outside the litter tray. I didn't have to hand feed Fluffy her lik-e-lix this morning. She was obviously very hungry and got me up early to ask to have the back door opened so she could sit in the door way and have a look out for several minutes!! She's behaving a bit more like her normal bossy self :)

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:24 am
by MarkB
Glad that I am not the only one that has developed an obsession with cat poo :)

Carol, I know you say that Fluffy hates brushing, but have you tried anything like shedding tool? - they claim that if you thin the coat out, it can reduce shedding by up to 80% (no idea where they got their numbers :) )

I know it is easier said than done as Kylie won't let me near with any kind of brush - and I have tried all kinds of things. Luckily she is short-haired though.

Glad to see Sarah has sent some fibre response :) - I think it is great stuff :)

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:50 am
by HRHFluffy
Mark what kind of shedding tool do you mean? Is the furminator a shedding tool? Got that years a go and she hates that. I got a slicker brush. Hates that. A comb thing that was recommended on here for stripping out the fur. Hates that. Zoom groom thing. Hates that cos I think it is a bit too hard on her. The only thing she semi tolerates is a very soft brush which is pretty useless for getting much fur off her. And then she only allows it on her cheeks (of her face that is) and chest and maybe once going towards her back and then that's it. Tail starts swishing and it's run for your life time :D

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:56 am
by MarkB
It was the thing for stripping out fur that was recommended on here that I had in mind. Laz tolerates it for a while, but not ideal. I am forever slipping out matts and he sometimes looks a sorry state - but is the least stressful way for both of us :)

I wonder if a groomer could do a 'short back & sides' and you try to keep up with it. I am guessing that she would find grooming stressful too.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:05 am
by HRHFluffy
I do have that shedding tool handy still. Normally at the side of the bed so I can have a go when she's half asleep lying on me. That along with scissors for any possible mats I can safely get out and the useless brush I mentioned. She's fine til she starts waking up and realises what's going on. I keep considering a groomer but do think it'll stress her. She certainly can't undergo any more anaesthetics now that she has all these health issues so I will have to keep having a go to avoid her needing anything major to sort her mats out. She is currently mat free but the summer is a dreadful time for her coat. Laz is probably the same.

When the fibre response comes how much should I give her along with her other food? I know you said you only give Laz a bit.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:11 am
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
Just a quick reply - I give Pepsi a handful of fibre response at bed time, almost as if it's a treat, perhaps 10/12 biscuits. Maybe Laz has more though?

Just thinking about grooming, I know Fluff won't welcome a vet's visit just for the purpose, but when Pepsi had some mats and a lot of undercoat that she wasn't getting out on her own (this was after her fur grew back so thickly after her flea infection had been dealt with [which she had developed at her previous home]), the vet nurse did a great job on her with absolutely no stress at all. If I had attempted such a vigorous comb I would have been running for my life too, but the vet nurse knew exactly how to do it with authority but no anxiety for Pepz - it was over before she even knew what was happening and MASSES of hair came out. So maybe, your vet nurse could give her a quick once over each time Fluff has to go to the vet.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:49 pm
by HRHFluffy
Sarah the parcel has just arrived!!

That was quick wasn't it. Thank you so much. I will start Fluff on it tonight then. I really do appreciate your sending it to us. There's certainly plenty enough to see whether she likes it or not. I think she probably will especially if she only needs a little bit of it. She was impressed too that the parcel was addressed to her :) . She doesn't often get personal post nowadays.

I think that is good advice about asking the vetinary nurse to have a groom of Fluffy. I hadn't thought of that. At our vets the nurses do seem ever so friendly so I could give them a ring first and ask them. Thanks for the suggestion. Give Pepsi a fuss from me and Fluff and tell her thanks for the parcel and the letter xxx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:02 pm
by meriad
Carol, re the brushing and grooming; a while back I was having a conversation on FB with someone who is a cat groomer asking about matting on cats. We spoke about various brushes I have and she said that the Furminator actually isn't ideal for longer haired pets as it pulls at their fur - it's best for short haired animals.

I have a Mikki Undercoat Rake that I use on Ava and Harry and it works really well, and doesn't pull and gets out lots of loose fur. I just had a look online to see if I could find a link and found this one: ... pf_id=3711" onclick=";return false; the rotating teeth on it would make it even more gentle I'd have thought. The one I have is just the regular one: ... pf_id=3712" onclick=";return false;

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:05 pm
by HRHFluffy
Thanks Ria. That one with the rotating teeth looks tempting. It's Fluffy's undercoat that is the problem as there's loads of it. I think I might just order one for her. Anything is worth a try.

I'm not at all surprised at what that lady said about the furminator. It really seems to drag the fur out so no wonder it isn't suitable for long hair.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 6:43 pm
by JulieandBarney
Hi Carol, hope Fluffy well on the mend now, though I know it's a slow process, as it is with Barney....I was rewarded for my worry, by a few strong bunny kicks and bites at 5am this morning in bed !! He sleeps next to me, head on the pillow with both his paws wrapped around my wrist....but dare I move...!!! then the punishment begins, frightened the life out of me as I was asleep .....just felt a tooth sink into my hand and then being well kicked !!..... :o
He seems much brighter....and tonight when I was preparing dinner, I chopped up some lamb (raw), when there was a knock at the door...when I got back, there was Barney tucking in to the chopped lamb !!!!! ......We had chicken for dinner........!......still he seems quite happy with the outcome !!

What are we like..... :roll: .? to Fluffy from me and Barney.....x

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:04 pm
by MarkB
I don't know how much Fibre Response Laz eats, but a 2kg bag lasts 2 - 3 months - so only a tiny amount, but enough to bulk his poo and help him go. I can't imagine what his poos would be like if he ate nothing else :)

I had forgotten about the rotating teeth comb. I will have to dig our one out.

I have posted about this before, but this little trimmer is worth its weight in gold. Only needed if a cat gets matted. I use it at least once a week and used it on Alice too. It is fairly quiet (not that it matters as Laz is deaf) and small. ... zxe1seLF6E" onclick=";return false; it is much smaller than regular clippers.

I use this with it ... =kool+lube" onclick=";return false;

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 10:49 am
by HRHFluffy
Thanks Mark for the link. I will have a look and give it a re-think.

I've started Fluff on Fibre Response and good news is that she seems to really like it. Gave her a few in my hand yesterday and she'd finished it in record time. Unless she's been and had a poo outside, which is a bit unlikely, she hasn't been again since monday night. Maybe it's to be expected after passing so much but I am a touch concerned. She is absolutely fine in herself and is back to being demanding and extremely vocal. I will feel better though once she's been again.

Julie you have made me laugh. Your Barney is a real character :D . It is so lovely that he sleeps on the pillow with his paws wrapped around your wrist. Soooo cute. The biting and bunnykicks reminds me of Harvey. I am convinced it is all a sign of affection. I'm sure that's not what you're thinking at 5am though :) . By the way raw food is supposed to be the ideal diet. Might be worth you looking into if he seems to like raw lamb. Could help sort his bowel problem out maybe. Pleased that he is brighter in himself. Give him cuddles and tickle that tummy of his for me xxx

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 12:30 pm
by MarkB
The smell of Fibre Response reminds me of Bovril crisps :D

Great that she likes it. So many prescription foods are unpalatable. I think it takes around 24hrs to go through Laz's system. The reson I know that is because if he seems to be backed up, I cut out the high-fibre food until the laxative has cleared him out. I asked the vet if that was the right thing to do and he said yes.

Re: Fluffy in discomfort

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:23 pm
by HRHFluffy
It's reassuring to know that it takes some time to work. There must be something in the smell that is appealing as once Fluffy had smelt it, that was it, it had gone!! It is such a pity that the prescription renal food is so unpalatable. Especially since I've just got in 4 boxes of it. She went through a phase of eating it but of course now I've bulk bought she doesn't want to know. She always smells it first and that is enough to put her off.

It's years since I had bovril crisps. Do they still make them?