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7 month old kitten swollen lymph node, maybe?

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:03 am
by mangocat
My 7th month old kitten suddenly has this huge bump below his ear, but right above his neck and it isn't on his jaw. I'm assuming it is a swollen lymph node. It's hard but doesn't hurt him when I touch it. He's eating and sleeping a lot more than usually. It only appeared just this afternoon. I know because I had petted him this morning and the bump is extremely noticeable and the right side of his face is puffier. He was sitting up against the open window with a screen. Maybe he got bitten/stung by something? My cat that passed had gotten a swollen chin once because I think a wasp stung him. All the resources I'm seeing are given me anxiety that it might be cancer but a lot of them are for adult cats too. Could this just be that he got some kind of infection? Should I go to the vet right away or wait to see how he's feeling? From what I read if it's just an infection it'll go away. Is it common for kittens to have cancer?

I've never had the best experiences with vets. And I don't want to put him through unnecessary stress and tests. When I first got him he had a terrible URI with coughing that I thought he had asthma but it went away. Vets made me spend $300 worth for one visit for medication that didn't help and he fought the cold off on his own in a month and even were fighting me get more tests done on him. It was a terrible cold but luckily he got better.