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Cat uses pee to communicate

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:32 am
by dawnbon
Our neutered 7 year old indoor/outdoor cat has weaponized his pee against us. He thinks he should be fed as soon as he comes home even if it is not the set time. If we do no feed him he vertical sprays on anything he chooses. Last night he peed on my husband in bed because he wanted to go out. We do not know how to stop this behavior! It has gone on for over a year. He is fine and cuddly the rest of the time. We have taken him to the vet and he got a clean bill of health. Any suggestions how to stop him from using his pee against us?

Re: Cat uses pee to communicate

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:14 am
by fjm
Sounds as if he has got you well trained! Now that he has learned how to get a instant reaction out of you I think management is probably your best bet - I would free feed him, so he doesn't have to demand food, and install a cat flap if it is safe for him to come and go. If he needs to be in at night then I'd make him a comfortable space in an easily cleaned room like the bathroom, and keep him out of the bedroom etc. If there are places he sprays regularly waterproof washable throws will help you to ignore his behaviour - expect an extinction burst though, with him trying harder and harder to make it work before he gives up.