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Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:59 pm
by Catfan5
We hadn't seen Bailey since lunchtime which is very unusual as she always appears at meal times and is never far away. On our third walk round the local neighbourhood at 11.30pm we heard her crying loudly from behind a garage door on the road behind ours! We tried the bell and knocked but the people must have been in bed. We've put a large note through the door and hoped there was a gap under the garage door to put a little food out for the poor cat. She will have had no water or food for many hours. But no gap :( It's was so heartbreaking to hear her crying and having to leave her there but we have no choice. She is a very stressy and hyper cat who sprays so the garage will probably be a bit messy when she's let out..

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:08 pm
by Kay
I can well understand how you feel - but at least you know where she is and she won't come to any harm overnight

I don't understand how anyone can ignore a knocking at the door - it could have been an important message for them - but let's hope they get up early, 'cos I bet you will

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 12:43 am
by Crewella
I can imagine how you feel too - hope you manage to make contact in the morning.

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:33 am
by Catfan5
I've just arrived back with Bailey having hammered on their door at 7am! She ran to the back of the garage to start with, frightened when the garage door first went up then she came out purring for England! We didn't get much sleep last night, it's such a relief to get her back. She's wolfing down some HiLife as I type while the other cats are inspecting her lol!

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:56 am
by Crewella
Phew! Glad you got her back. :)

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:57 am
by Jacks
Wonderful news! Thank goodness you heard her crying! Darling Bailey will be treated like a Princess today!

I've had one of mine trapped somewhere overnight twice, but no sign - she only makes tiny noises, and not very often, so you can't hear her when she's stuck. Well done Bailey!! x

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:29 am
by meriad
agree - phew glad you've got her back and thank goodness she made enough noise so you knew where she was.

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:34 am
by Catfan5
Funny you should say that Jacks, normally Bailey has a feeble high pitched meow but last night she was shouting! Her brother Beaker was locked in next doors shed a few weeks ago and we could only hear him in the dead of night with his quiet meow! Last year it was Alfie in the same shed..I wish I could cat proof the garden..*sigh*. Dear Bailey has taken a few steps back in the spraying department unfortunately but not too surprising :(

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:32 am
by greenkitty
I have a Loc8tor tag on Noodle for this very reason. She got locked in my neighbours garage, I knew roughly where she was but there are two garages next to each other and I couldn't tell which one she was in so I was talking to the garage door and eventually she meowed back to me, luckily my neighbour was in and came out to release her, she shot out like a rocket and meowed at me for 10 minutes (I think she was off loading her experience!).

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:21 am
by Catfan5
The loc8tor sounds a very good idea and reassuring for the times when a cat goes walkabout. My cats seem to be getting nosier the older they get lol. Last night I took my husband with me as his hearing is good and heard Bailey when I didn't, so he is my cat locator for now..:)

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:15 am
by Jacks
I've just got a loc8tor on my baby who regularly does disappearing acts - so far she's roamed so far from home that I can't detect her at all - I'm reckonning she goes through the local school and grounds and out over the fields beyond :-(

However, being able to detect if your cat is trapped locally would be invaluable. IF mine gets into that palaver again (oh yes we've been there), now that I've got the loc8tor I should be able to identify where. I'm also banning outside access on 'bin' day...

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:36 am
by Catfan5
What a worry they are when they wander. Bailey is a funny girl who seems to have doolally moments when she is anxious, jittery and starts spraying everywhere indoors and out. Which makes me wonder if she would tolerate a collar and loc8tor or whether it would stress her even more. I really like the idea though..

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:44 pm
by glendvd
I'd have gone absolutely apesh@t if i was knocking on someone's door for them to let my cat out and they weren't answering. I'd have either carried on knocking like a mad man on the night, and if they still didn't answer would have absolutely hammered them the next morning for making me lose a night's sleep. They wouldn't be our friendly neighbour anymore i can tell you.

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:53 pm
by Jan
So pleased to read that alls well that ends well.

Not heard of a loc8tor either ...but again, if it involves a collar, I couldn't one round Blackie - now 11+ and a high-strung individual. Sounds a good idea though.

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 3:43 pm
by bobbys girl
The loc8tor sounds an excellent idea if your cat will wear a collar! 2 of mine refuse point blank, 2 go out with collar come back without and I Bobby's such a funny shape now I think a collar would irritate him too much (+ he HATED his harness :roll: )

But it is excellent news that you found Bailey and have her back.

My sister once lost one of her cats - no sign for a week. Then a neighbour returning from his holiday, opened his garage to park the car and Lysander shot past him and ran home like a rocket. The neighbour followed and explained to a stunned but very pleased sister what must have happened. Poor cat must have survived on condensation off the windows and a few dog biscuits! Judy had walked past that garage twice, calling for her kitty! All's well that ends well. Glad Bailey is home. :D

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:57 pm
by Catfan5
Thanks bobbys girl, it's a good job she had a loud meow! I was worried in case the people had gone away, thinking of the worst case scenario as usual. Glad your sisters cat was ok after a week, such a worry when they disappear like that.

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:45 pm
by Catfan5
Well, the lovely Bailey did it again today! She disappeared before 9am and at 2pm my husband took a walk round the block . Lo and behold she was shut in the same garage! When they let her out she rubbed and purred around their legs like old friends. Hmmmm! My husband had a chat with them then carried Bailey home. I wish they would check their garage before shutting it! They are older retired people off for a cruise next month so I hope Bailey isn't around their way then. I've kept her in since then but can't keep her in all the time, she'd go crazy. Obviously a loc8tor would be ideal but I can't see her wearing it with her temperament.. :(

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:55 pm
by Kay
you'll need to be sure she's in when they shut their garage for the last time before setting sail

I don't like cats going into garages though, because of the threat of them getting to some anti-freeze - perhaps you could ask this couple to make sure any they have is totally inaccessible

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:10 pm
by Catfan5
That's a good point about anti-freeze, I'll have a word. Thanks.

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:21 pm
by bobbys girl
So what's so attractive about THAT garage?

Re: Poor cat is locked inside a garage :(

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:00 pm
by Catfan5
That's what we were wondering.