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Cat parathyroid damaged in surgery needs calcium

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 1:27 am
by Jodiandleiah
I need advice from anyone who has had a cat with oarathyroid damage, leaving it no longer able to regulate its blood calcium. I have to supplement calcium in my cat and I'm struggling getting him to eat it. On his food, in a treat, in tuna. If he doesn't have the calcium, he won't live. I need advice and suggestions and help if anyone has been through something like this. 🥺

Re: Cat parathyroid damaged in surgery needs calcium

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 6:56 am
by fjm
Does he like Lik-e-Lix? Most cats do, so they can be a good vehicle for medicines. I have also had success with cooked or raw chicken and a little (think small teaspoonful) of raw or cooked liver. The advantage of giving it to him in a small quantity of treat, of course, is that you know he has eaten it all.

Re: Cat parathyroid damaged in surgery needs calcium

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2022 7:12 am
by Mollycat
I haven't come across a cat with this before but humans yes, could you just clarify one thing please - is he just on calcium, is it a combined calcium and vitamin D, does he need one and not the other, or does he take vitamin D on its own and the calcium is the issue?

Is it in tablet or powder form? If you can get it in powder form (or check it's ok to crush a tablet) does that help? My cat is not pillable but so far powders and liquids on her food seem acceptable.