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When and how to introduce a kitten...

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:11 pm
by Minnelli
Hi Everyone

Hopefully someone will be able to give a little advice based on past experience
One of my two cats died a few weeks ago. She was the queen bee and centre of the household and her loss has impacted a fair bit on the household. Her brother (actual sibling, were dumped together and have spent all their time together since we adopted them as kittens 4 years ago) seems a bit lonely. He has been eating fine and he is becoming more affectionate. He does look for her and is very local. He doesn't really play much (they used to chase and play with each other all the time) and I am quite worried about him.

I don't think he likes being a lone cat (she would of LOVED it.. such an attention whore!), because he is soo young and we are out most of the day I would like him to have some companion, as we want to do the best for him and whilst we are still grieving the loss of Etta we hate the thought of him being alone.
Can anyone give me advice on this? We were thinking a female kitten, someone he can be a big brother and look after. He doesn't have too much of a problem with neighborhood cats and the only times we have seen him aggressive was when we stayed at my in laws and he didn't like their cat getting near his sister.
Is there a good time to do it? I'm at a total loss of what to do and he is really worrying me.

Sorry for the long post