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3 year old male moggie cat with lump in chest area

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 7:03 am
by Nina_marcey1991
Hi there,
My 3 year old boy I have just noticed yesterday has a lump in his chest. When inspecting it it’s a big bigger than the size of a pea but a more oval shape. It is moveable (not attached to anything underneath) I have got an appointment for the vets but earliest they had was 10 days and I feel like I’m having a heart attack with worry.

My biggest worry is mammary gland cancer. I understand it is mainly older female cats who suffer from this but I now have it in my head he has it. His behaviour is normal. He is neutered. The other thing I should mention he is constantly being attacked by a neighbours cat and often comes in with scratches. The area of the lump looks like a tiny bit of scab has heeled and nearly finished peeling off. But I’m also worried as it is about 3cm away from his nipple even though the nipples look normal.

Any experiences and advice would be much appreciated :?:

Re: 3 year old male moggie cat with lump in chest area

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 2:58 pm
by fjm
It is extremely unlikely to be a mammary tumour - possible, of course, but they are not common even in female cats in comparison the dogs and other species. From what you say it is far more likely to be the result of an injury - it may even be an abscess forming if the skin has healed but there is infection building underneath. Do get him checked by your vet but try not to panic in the meantime - there are so many things that can cause the sort of lump you describe - most of them are fairly minor and very, very few are life threatening. In the meantime watch him and the lump - should he show signs of running a temperature (thirst, lethargy, hiding away) or the lump get larger and inflamed you may need to try for an emergency appointment.

Re: 3 year old male moggie cat with lump in chest area

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 3:12 pm
by Nina_marcey1991
Thank you so much. I have tried to look up as much as possible but couldn’t find if it is just more unlikely or completely rare for male cats. I have been inspecting him all over to which he is becoming annoyed with and found a couple more scratches around his stomach (my mum has also seen him in trees which he might be getting these) I literally had a breakdown earlier and rang again and cried to the vet and she said she can squeeze him in too see him next Wednesday (3 days away now)