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Really need help soon!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:22 am
by StormyRose786
My cat has been throwing up clear liquid here & there - small amounts. This is nothing new, except it's not stopping. In between these times, she acts like she's trying to get something out, but nothing comes out - not dry-heaving, just like trying to spit up. She eats, but it doesn't all stay down. Can't be positive, but face seems slightly puffy. It's not an allergic reaction. And it's been going on a couple of days.

The problem is, I can't get her to the vet. My aunt had a stroke, & I have to be with her from 7 to about 6 every day til Friday. There is no one else. And the only person who could take her for me most likely wouldn't be able to get her into a carrier.

Any advice? Friday is a long time from now.

Re: Really need help soon!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:08 am
by fjm
Can you put her into the carrier for your friend to take her to the vet? If that is not possible I would ring around the cat charities in your area and see if anyone can help transport her, and/or the local Stroke/elderly care/church/other support networks and see if there is someone able to sit with your aunt for a few hours. Your vet may be prepared to do a home visit, but that is usually significantly more expensive.

Re: Really need help soon!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:12 am
by StormyRose786
I could put her in a carrier, but my friend doesn't wake up til around 10 every day, & I have to leave at 6:30