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Blind cat and hearing loss

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:02 pm
by Walesgang
Our cat Tips is over sixteen years old. She has been blind since she was a kitten and has never let it stop her from having a great life. We have a large secure garden which her and her litter mate Henry can access (not that either of them do much these days)

Recently Tips seems to have had more difficulty finding her way around - she gets disoriented and walks into things more. We have noticed that she looks up to one side if she heard a noise which has made us wonder whether she is losing her hearing - particularly in her right ear.

She is still happily getting around within the house, eating well, finding litter trays and Enjoys cuddles and brushes. She has recently had full bloods etc and no concerns there.

I just wondered whether anyone else has experience with a blind cat losing another sense and how you supported them to deal with the new norm?

We have to a large extent relied on sound to communicate with her previously - tapping things etc