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New Kitten - Toileting Issues

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 1:48 am
by lgwsc
Hi guys

I’m hoping to get some advice on how to deal with my new kittens bathroom habits. I got her five days ago. She only uses the litter box when I am near her. I have noticed she will hold on all day while I’m at work and then go for a wee and/or a poo within 5-10 minutes from when I get home and am standing right near her in the litter box. I live in a 2 x 2 apartment and keep the doors closed to the bedrooms during the day. I have two litter boxes that are cleaned fairly regularly. She keeps peeing on my bed and has since peed on the couch.

I got her from a lady who's cats had a litter. The entire litter and parents were still there when I got her (they're obviously very close).
I’m wondering if its separation anxiety? When I got her, I was told she was toilet trained and she has been to the vet. No sign of a UTI. She meows when she cannot see me and stops as soon as I talk to her and am visible to her again. She is very cuddly and plays. Quite fussy with her food.

Night one:[/b] First night in my apartment, she peed on my bed when we were playing. I put everything in the wash and she came back on the bed that night and slept through the night no problem.

Night two: I tried again and she didn’t pee all night and then peed at about 6:00 am on the down comforter again.

Night three: I kept her out of my room all night (she meowed desperately and was at my door when I came out in the morning). She had not used the litter tray all night. She used it about 5-10 minutes after I'd gotten up and was near the litter tray with her.

Night four: I put a flat blanket on my bed thinking maybe the down comforter was the issue (read that cats love down comforters for toilets) and she peed on my fitted sheet at about 4:00 am. I got up and put everything in the wash and went and tried to sleep on the couch. She was with me on the couch trying to play and I fell asleep. Woke up about an hour later to see she’d peed next to me on the couch.

I’ve read a few posts and different websites, but am at a bit of a loss on what I should do. Has anyone experienced this before? Does it sound like separation anxiety? If so, any tips from people who have dealt with this would be amazing.

Thank you!

Re: New Kitten - Toileting Issues

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 11:17 am
by vanilla
Are you using the same type of litter she had at her other place?

Where are the litter boxes placed?

Sounds like she's associating your bed as a place to do wee.

I tend to keep my kittens in a crate at night time, so everything is in reach. I do this for about 2 weeks, so they have somewhere safe and secure. The litter tray will be well within reach in the crate. Slowly they will then associate that as a place to do their business.

You can also keep them in the crate if you are at work as they can chew wires when they are teething.

Re: New Kitten - Toileting Issues

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:31 pm
by Oleg
No advice other than- time.
Her pee smells familiar, and you are a friend. She is peeing on your bed where she feels safe, and in that manner, she is marking her safe spot.

Our little one was a rescue, at first he was all alone in one room, and, he kept pooping on his bed. I would change it, he would poop again, and then smudge himself in it as much as he could. I showed him where to poop, he still pooped on his bed. Then, one night, I left it that way, so he slept in his poop, and when the time came, he pooped where supposed to. Until I changed his bed, then he pooped on it again.

In time, this one room became his safe ground, he cruises the rest of the house but mostly stays in his room, poops regulary in the tray, and doesn't poop on his bed anymore.
I believe because plenty of time has passed and he left his scent everywhere.
For animals, the need to go to the toilet is one of the most dangerous ones, as they are vournable. Your kitten will understand there is no threat in your home.

So, give her time, and be patient, don't panic, and in a while, maybe things change. For us, changed in about 15 days.