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How to get cat to trust me

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2022 11:49 pm
by Squishypunk
Approximately 2 months ago I took on two 3 year old cats from my neighbour who had to move to a flat. They have known me since kittens and always been comfortable coming in the house and being fussed. They now eat and sleep in my house but one of them will only let me fuss them if I’m sitting outside. He loves a fuss then but any sudden accidental movements and he runs. In the house he looks like he wants attention but is wary. He will stay in the same room but if I pay attention to him he freezes or leaves. I’d I am working he will happily sleep or play near me. How can I gain his trust, which he had before. I am aware it can be a transition but I’m worried I am stressing him. I don’t push him for attention and do it on his terms.

Re: How to get cat to trust me

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:23 am
by Mollycat
Hi and welcome!

As the proud owner of a rescue cat who bolted under the bed every time I moved for the first 2 years, you're doing great! You have already identified what makes him skittish and when he feels relaxed with you, just keep giving him the space he wants and respect his need to take things at his own speed. You can sit talking or reading to him so that it's not just when you are working, move gently, talk softly, chat to him in a positive and light voice as you go about your day. And most of all relax, it sounds like he is a sensitive soul so any worry on your part will make him hesitate whereas you relaxing or focusing on other things makes him want to be near you. Nine years on with my girl she is still growing in confidence and giving me more trust and love.

Does he come when you put his food down? That was the only time I pushed my girl a little bit, I would give her one or two strokes as she went into her food, just enough to get away with it and show that I was gentle and kind but not enough to spook her.