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New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:43 am
by Willowgill
Hi - hoping someone has some words of wisdom to offer :-)

We've lived in this house 28 years now and always had cats - we currently have 3. The neighbour on one side (a cat lover) has recently moved and it seems our new neighbours have 2 dogs. They have been barking non stop for the last 2 hours so I went to look out of the bedroom window and can see a Jack Russell and a larger greyhound type dog running round barking in their garden. Aside from the noise which is pretty annoying as I work from home so I can see this getting worse in summer months (my husband also works in the conservatory so he's not going to be best pleased!) I'm really worried about my cats. Max in particular, who is blind and for the last 13 years been used to climbing up the fence and poddling about in their garden before making his way through a gap down the side of the fence. He's also quite arthritic now and not very nimble on his feet so he uses the fence like a ladder rather than jumping onto it. I'm terrified now in case he goes up there and these dogs get hold of him - two dogs onto a blind cat can only lead to one very injured feline as far as I can see. I believe they've filled the gap too probably to keep the dogs in. I'm not so worried about my other two as Alfie is a sprightly little 6 year old who is terrified of his own shadow so probably won't venture that side any more (it probably accounts for why he's suddenly taken to being inside the last couple of days as well which is hard for him as he's also scared of my other cat Daphne) and Daph's an inside girl who also won't go that way I'm sure. Do you think I should go round and ask if these dogs are cat friendly and explain my worries? We met briefly a couple of weeks ago when they were doing some work there - they seem very nice so I don't want us to get off on the wrong foot. We've always had good relationships with all our neighbours so this is the first time there's a potential problem. Any advise on how we can stop Max climbing the fence as well?!!


Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:21 pm
by greenkitty
I was in a similar situation a few years ago when new neighbours moved in with two dogs. Although my girl is much younger she avoided and still avoids their garden, I don't think she'd risk it. I think you're right to be worried given your older lads health problems and do think you should chat with the neighbours about the situation so you can take the appropriate action. Is it possible to cat proof that side of the fence so he can't get over it?

PS the dogs barking did calm down after a couple of months, I think they were just getting used to new sounds, sights and smells!

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:40 pm
by HRHFluffy
I agree with Julia that cat proofing would be a good idea. There are many on here that have successfully done that.

You could talk to the neighbours about the dogs, but to be honest even if they said that their dogs would never harm a cat etc, I wouldn't risk the possibility of Max getting over the fence. The dogs may be used to chasing cats that can escape easily but this wouldn't be the case with Max.

For peace of mind I would permanently prevent Max from innocently climbing over the fence. Hopefully someone will be along soon with some cat proofing tips.

I hope the noise levels calm down soon! You have my sympathy!!

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:56 pm
by Willowgill
Thanks for your replies - the situation actually got worse after I posted the original message as I then spotted another dog an hour later and believe it or not yet another a bit later on - 4 dogs it seems! :o The noise was quite bad all morning but they then went quiet so I assumed the owners let them in. I'd be interested in finding out how to cat proof the fence. It's not an ordinary lap fence however but made up of horizontal planks which is how Max uses it as a ladder - considering his disabilities he's pretty clever at negotiating his way over! I've watched him today to make sure he doesn't attempt to go over and thankfully he's just wandered round our garden. Hopefully he has heard the noise and will keep to his own area!

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:29 pm
by HRHFluffy
Oh dear. Four dogs! I would definitely look into cat proofing the fence rather than relying on Max not deciding to climb over. Four dogs are even more likely to act like a pack when they are excited. Perhaps it might be a good idea to start a separate thread on cat proofing. There have been several threads in the past about how to cat proof a garden. Those on the forum that have experience of this might not read this thread but if you include it in a new title then it might just catch their eye.

I've just seen the photos on the other thread of your three and think they are adorable!! Love the unusual poses.

Hope you get some advice soon.

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:10 pm
by PeanutsFriend
Poor you. Neighbors can be annoying when they are so different. I hope your cats fair ok.

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:15 pm
by Kay
how about attaching some plastic sheeting to the fence where he climbs - the really slippery kind which he won't get any kind of purchase on

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:50 am
by catsue
A friend of mine has just cat proofed her garden and she seems very happy with it. Here's a link to the company she used:" onclick=";return false;

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:03 pm
by YogiBoy
If you do decide to cat proof the garden, there's also" onclick=";return false; who do a fence conversion kit (fits to the top of existing fencing) or katzecure, as Catsue said.

Your cats will smell the dogs there of course, so that alone might put Max off going over there, but maybe better safe than sorry, good luck!

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:14 pm
by Willowgill
Thanks - I've had a look at the cat proofing fencing and will investigate further - it might be an option at the other end of the garden too where the dog which used to live behind us demolished some wall with it's constant jumping up and down. I like dogs but can't help thinking four in a small garden is a little excessive!

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:41 pm
by pam [fritz mum]
If the dogs are continously barking when they are out your council may be-able to do something.I had that problem for months from early morning to late at night and the girl on the phone could hear them and issued a notice.My name was not disclosed.

If you can hear the dogs barking constantly in the house then that will help the council issue.

I didn't like doing it but my stress levels became high.

Re: New neighbours and possible problems

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:27 pm
by Willowgill
Still monitoring these dogs which are still barking all day. I think the couple are going out to work and leaving them in the garden with access to their utility room. This morning one of the larger dogs was jumping up at the fence and I could see it flexing back and forth. I've read about a 'stop barking' deterrent which makes a noise only the dogs can hear which stops them barking but I'm wary of that as it might hurt my cats ears. Will see what happens over the weekend when we might manage to speak to the new people and politely ask if they realise their little darlings are causing such a problem :-)