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meowing at night

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 10:54 am
by alygem
Hi, I have a 10 1/2 year old british short hair, who means the world to me, but unfortunately I have found in the last few months, she has become very vocal, especially at night, which is causing me alot of problems. From the advice so far that I have gleened, I have ignored her meows, I feed her just before I go to bed, I have managed to get her to go to her own bed and I sit with her and stroke her so that she knows its bedtime and this generally helps to keep her there rather than she used to follow me to the bedroom and meow...I have even resorted to putting a bowl of dry food by the bed so that when she wakes at night and jumps down from her bed, if shes hungry she sees the food first before meowing at my bedroom door and scratching it to pieces, this seems to have worked and I dont get the 1am meows, I used to leave this in the kitchen but she would never go down without scratching the hell out of my door and meowing very loudly...
so heres my question how do I get her to go through the night, I usually get up at 7am, so having my sleep cut short by 3 hours each night (and I have tried to go to bed earlier) its really taking its toll on me, I would be very grateful of any advice and indeed on advice on what I am doing at the moment which might be wrong. thank you

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:34 pm
by Lyn from Australia
There are a number of reasons that you cat may have started this behaviour, but in an older cat the first thing I would do would be to get her to the vet for a thorough check, including bloods, especially to check her thyroid function. Thyroid issues are one of the major reasons that older cats start yowling during the night. Please let us all know how you get on.

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 2:08 pm
by lilynmitz
I agree, 10 years old is when thyroid issues can start to show. I'd pop her along to a vet for full blood tests to see what's going on. Hyperthyroidism is very treatable, and shouldn't be ignored as it not only drives the owners to distraction, it also stresses many other body functions and organs and is pretty miserable for the cat as well.

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:05 am
by alygem
I agree with you both and in fact last year I actually took her to the vet for this very same reason, as she was losing a lot of weight even though she was eating mountains of food, she has had blood tests done and all came back clear, this year thankfully she has put on weight and her coat and eyes look better than they did last year, but I will take her back just in case anything has changed and Ill certainly let you know...thank you for responding

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:55 pm
by Lyn from Australia
I hope all is normal again - and then the investigating for what is causing the behaviour gets really difficult when there's not a physical reason. :roll: Behavioural issues are so much harder to diagnose and fix. Fusses to your girl.

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:35 pm
by alygem
thank you for your lovely reply, I do fuss her a lot, maybe that's the problem she has got too clingy..

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:50 am
by alygem
hi all,

I just wanted to bring you up to date with gemma, she has been checked out by the vets whom I am pleased to say there is nothing wrong and its very much old age, also my dad is taking her in to give me some good nights sleep so all is well, thank you all for your concern

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:47 am
by Lyn from Australia
Poor sweet girl. I can relate exactly to her problem!! Did your vet say there is nothing to be done? Are her bloods (esp thyroid levels) all normal? Human adults with dementia can be helped (not cured of course) with certain meds and diets, perhaps the veterinary researchers have come up with theories or even facts about things that can help your girl. Anyway, with help from your lovely dad, Gemma can enjoy the rest of her life without fear. I'm so pleased for her and for you.

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:23 pm
by alygem
thank you for your lovely comment, the vets gave gemma the all clear, including blood tests and thyroid tests, they even advise that she just might need more human contact than I can physically give her, anyway she is with my dad and he is always at home, and she is well snuggled up in front of his log fire in wales, and getting countless of fuss and fish!!! knowing this puts my mind at rest, thank you again

Re: meowing at night

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:43 pm
by lilynmitz
My old girl Lily has become a random yowler. She is hyperthyroid, which we are treating and monitoring, but most of it is just because she's going senile (she was never the full quid to start off with). I think she just gets a bit confused and worried sometimes. We just give her a bit of reassurance when she starts yowling and she soon settles down again. So pleased to hear your Dad is stepping in, this sounds like a lovely solution all round. Hopefully your puss will be very happy with constant company and a nice warm fire!