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Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:31 am
by elphgal75
I have two rehomed cats which we thought were used to having a cat flap previously , we've installed a microchip cat flap so we don't have the other neighbourhood cats popping in but the cats aren't interested :( I'm at home most of the time but as the kids have clubs on Saturdays I'm not around to let them in, I don't want to prop the flap open its getting cold and we may get unwanted visitors :( I've tried encouragement with food and nudging the door open a bit so they get used to pushing it themselves but no result! They simply don't 'push' the door themselves simply Stand here looking at it !!
Any ideas on getting them to use it themselves please :) !

Re: Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:39 pm
by emmab
There was a cat programme on TV the other day. The reason cats won't use a cat flap is territory and safety outside the cat flap. They cannot see or smell what is going on outside. The suggestion was to maybe put some plants outside the cat flap, with maybe a chair directly outside so that they can go out and hide but still feel secure and safe once they have gone through the cat flap. Let us know if this works.

Re: Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:59 pm
by hgale
Denver also has one of those microchip flaps, but he is used to using it - but he's so funny, he doesn't push it with his head, he uses a paw! He keeps bashing it until it opens, then he sticks his head through with his paw holding it open! He also likes to look out to check its safe before going out, so maybe Emmab has a good idea, but sorry I can't be of any more help with the problem though.

Re: Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 6:36 pm
by elphgal75
Thanks :) I saw the cat programme as well, I'll try putting some plants out but it's really windy along there and I've got steps to balance them on :(
It does seem that they don't like to actually push the door open, they have their faces up to it and look as if to say ' how am I expected it come in when its shut!' I've tried opening it for them and the go through with no hesitation when you open the flap a bit so they can get used to pushing it themselves they don't want to know! I had another 'chancer' peering at me through the cat flap today hoping to come in! Another reason i don't want to leave it propped open and I don't want to shut them in either . Lazy things!!!

Re: Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:42 am
by emmab
i know what you mean, soit sounds tricky putting a garden chair outside the cat flap then as shelter? Our cats have a long window that they look out of which is just above the cat flap. Before they go out they put their paws up on the window and have a look around, then go out, so maybe it is a safety and territory thing.

Re: Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:15 am
by meriad
which microchip cat flap do you have? I know one of them has a beep when it picks up a programmed microchip and I've heard of some cats not liking that beep.

Also I think the magnet on these flaps is quite a bit stronger so again it's a case of getting used to it.

I'm in the process of training one of mine for exactly the same reason as you - last year I had the flap propped open all winter, but I don't want to do that this year again; it's cold! :lol:

I suspect Henry will figure the way out a lot quicker than the way in ;-)

Re: Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:58 am
by emmab
We have a magnetic one and has been amazing. Occasionally they may bring in a bit of metal on their collar but no problems. The Sureflap microchip cat flap didn't work for one of ours but was fine with the other. I would of been a wreck going on holiday knowing thathe may of got stuck outside. They confirmed the chip was the right type and his microchip was where it should be but it must of been his stature or the fact he was the wrong height or not using it correctly??????????? We found ourselves modifying an already expensive microchip cat flap and in the end decided to try the magnetic one.

Re: Cat flap - cats are too posh to push !

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 8:57 pm
by norseman
[quote="elphgal75"]I have two rehomed cats which we thought were used to having a cat flap previously , we've installed a microchip cat flap so we don't have the other neighbourhood cats popping in but the cats aren't interested

We've got a six-year-old tom that sits outside the electronic flap & nudges it with his head or taps the flap with his paw if inside! If there's nobody around (or you ignore him for long enough) he will use the flap himself. You can see where he's coming from - why crawl through a hole when some softie will open the door :lol: Never had any problem 'introducing' him to the device originally though.