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Unusual behaviour

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 11:31 am
by Teddy
Teddy is a 15 year old diabetic, neutered, long haired male cat. Last week he displayed some strange behaviour. He spent 2 hours walking round the edge of the rooms, sniffing constantly and we could not comfort him. He took some food and drink as normal and displayed the same behaviour under supervision in the garden. Eventually he settled down back to his normal pattern. We know it is not because another cat has been in the house.
The same thing occurred at the end of the October last year. On that occasion we took him to the vet who did numerous tests and could offer no explanation even 2 days later when all the blood and urine tests proved fine. He recovered in more or less the same time period. We wondered if anyone knows if there are any plants etc that may trigger this behaviour. For example, a few hours earlier we trimmed our lavender bushes and other shrubs.
We would be grateful for any suggestions. Franklin and Mary

Re: Unusual behaviour

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:11 pm
by Crewella
Cats are so sensitive to the scents in their environment, I guess it's possible that trimming the shrubs has caused a disturbance that he's picked up on. I'm not aware of any plant that would specifically cause that reaction, though. With no clues from the check up either, I guess you just have to keep an eye on him.