my cat is jumpy

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pam [fritz mum]
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my cat is jumpy

Post by pam [fritz mum] »

Fritz has always been a timid cat but for a day or so he's been jumpy and doesn't really want me to stroke him.He wags his tail to more or less say leave me alone.

He is mainly an indoor cat and I can honestly say never goes beyond the backgate[I'm always downstairs when he briefly goes out].

There have been three new cats coming onto his territory and I did stroke one.

I keep the catflap blocked when Fritz is in.

HE is toileting,eating and drinking as normal.Almost constantly staring at he catflap when it's unblocked.
I have just given him some Kalm Aid.
I am worried and any advice is appreciated.We live away from a main road.He is not allowed out at night.
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Re: my cat is jumpy

Post by brigidrynne »

Could Fritz have hurt himself somewhere around the house? We had an issue with Foggy when he was very young, where he didn't want people to touch him. It turned out that he had broken a rib! :o Nothing in his behaviour gave anything away. It was only when he ran away and hid - resulting in us having to prise him out from under a bed, at which point he let out an awful wail - that we realised something was terribly wrong. He and Tiggy were, at the time, exclusively indoor cats. We had no idea how or when the injury had occurred, but we think he may have been playing with his brother or jumping for a fly and come down on the edge of a table, chair or radiator.

Although it is quite possible that it is just the presence of the other cats that is worrying him, it could also be that, if Fritz is injured, he would feel particularly vulnerable when the cat flap is unblocked. That would also account for him not wanting you to fuss or touch him.
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Re: my cat is jumpy

Post by lilynmitz »

It's also possible he has fleas? Mo used to be a bit neurotic like this and worse behaved than usual sometimes, and eventually I realised it was a sign he had fleas. He'd return to normal once he'd been treated.
pam [fritz mum]
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Re: my cat is jumpy

Post by pam [fritz mum] »

Thank you for your advice Mynmitz and brigidrynne I gave Fritz some Kalm aid shortly after my posting and he's been fine this week and not so nervy but still prefers to be inside a lot of the time even when I've been out in the back.

I have noticed this week another cat has been trying to get in his catflap even when I block access to it.
I will still monitor him.
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