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Where to buy? Help with advice.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:29 pm
by Masuru
Hello everyone!

I have found it difficult to buy things which I used to get back home, here in Scotland. I feed my cat with natural food so I need a few things to get for him.
I need Calcium tablets, which doesn't contain any additions. I mean pure calcium. In Russia everyone buys Calcid for their cats in human pharmacy, but there it's a drug made of egg cover, so it is natural and they don't mix any sweeteners or flavorings into it. Here I have seen Calcid with mint or citrus flavour, I don't think my cat will like it :D Any suggestions what can be used instead?
Please don't suggest pet's vitamins, I checked them, they are only in complex with Phosphorous, which is not good because he gets enough of it from his daily diet. And I really don't want to experiment with chicken necks and heads as I am not sure he will chew the bones well.

And I would like to find fresh edible QUAIL EGGS :) they are so good for cat's health, why aren't they here?.. At least I haven't seen them in such shops as ASDA, Seinsbury's, tesco... And ebay scared me offering eggs for table decoration... Is it possible to buy them somewhere?

Location: Scotland, Aberdeen.

Re: Where to buy? Help with advice.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 1:44 pm
by Sue Goddard
Sorry to be negative but why would you want to give your cat calcium tablets...a balanced diet should give him/her all their daily requirements...

Like a lot of human dietary suppliments if your body doesn't need them they are excreated...(so waste of money.) and some additives build up in the body to toxic levels in the liver and other organs ..(makes you ill..)
I can't think of any benefit in giving a cat extra calcium..( unless it was diagnosed with a genetic deficiency..)

Re: Where to buy? Help with advice.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:43 pm
by Lilith
Hi there, Tesco do quails' eggs and there is a superstore at Westhill if that's convenient for you (I don't know Aberdeen by the way; I just felt idle so was googling around lol.)

That is one pampered cat :D

Also there is some raw catfood available - I think you might have to buy it online:" onclick=";return false;

I'm afraid I only buy ordinary catfood but there are plenty of people on here who are into more natural diets for cats and who should be able to advise further, but hope this helps for now :)

Re: Where to buy? Help with advice.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:41 pm
by Masuru
Thanks a lot, I will investigate Tesco shelves :D

I have seen a lot of examples of owners who change many brands of cat's food because non fits the cat. Some cause fur loss, some cause diarrhea etc... Don't want to make experiments. So I feed him normally :) Nothing very difficult - 70% meat and 30% vegetable/porridge/dairy. That's formula :)

If you check how much Ca and P 100g of meat contains, and also other food which you give to the cat, you will see that he gets much more P than Ca. To be healthy a cat has to get it in proportion Ca:P 1.3 : 1... If proportion is not like that, P does not get out of the organism (as Ca helps the process). It accumulates in kidneys, and with time forms sand, then stones. In my childhood I had a cat who died of that. He died in suffer and pain. I don't want to repeat this again...

Ca tablets can be avoidable if you give the cat chicken with bones, quail eggs with a shell, sour milk products... Unfortunately, my cat doesn't eat any of those much, so I have to compensate with tablets.
And of course I will see with a regular blood test if anything has to be corrected...

If I take the cat into my family, I am responsible for its life. I want him with me for 20 years and more. Unfortunately, all my acquaintances who have cats and don't bother to feed them correctly, lose their pets after 10-12 years...

Re: Where to buy? Help with advice.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:47 am
by booktigger
If you are feeding non commercial food, you will need a calcium supplement, there are some available if you search for raw food, bit puzzled by the 30% veg/porridge /dairy, doesn't sound like what they would eat in the wild.

Re: Where to buy? Help with advice.

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:55 am
by Masuru
booktigger wrote:If you are feeding non commercial food, you will need a calcium supplement, there are some available if you search for raw food, bit puzzled by the 30% veg/porridge /dairy, doesn't sound like what they would eat in the wild.
The % of vegetables and grains in the diet may differ individually. The minimum % is 5, and maximum is 30%. I use the max now because the cat seems to visit the toilet less frequently then before. Previously it was every day, max once in 2 days (he was fed differently in another home), now it is like once in 4 days. So I want to make sure he doesn't have obturation. Otherwise 20-25% would be fine (this replaces all grains and vegetables what a prey would eat, and what a cat would get from a prey's stomach). I believe if you feed only meat it will be too hard for cat's liver...

Thanks for advice, will try to find it.