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Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:31 am
by mongoose
I wonder if anyone has any advice or if their cat does a similar thing, Poppy my 13 year old cat started biting her paws last June when a stray cat turned up, I'm not sure if it's coincidence or whether she has developed an allergy to something. I got him neutered and he absolutely loved her, she started to get used to him and all was well. She went to the vets and has been back three times now as it keeps recurring and had two steroid injections in March and June this year. Rocky my little stray was killed on the road back in April and we were all devastated however since January his brother turned up and again I got him neutered and he is a lovely cat who loves Poppy and is not aggressive to her at all. He doesn't come in the house to stay, I feed him outside and there is Feliway in the house which I hope is helping. She is not scared of him and she certainly keeps him in his place as he gets out of her way when she is walking toward him. She is a very happy cat, eating well, sleeping and will sit in the garden with the other cats (my neighbour has her siblings) so they are all fairly tolerant and used to other cats around. This time the medication is piriton and cream for her paws but we only started to give it to her yesterday so fingers crossed. Does anyone have anything similar with their cat? I gave her a piriton tablet in a natures menu treat which is quite squishy but she bit into the tablet and foamed a bit! Does anyone have any tips on what to out the tablet in, she is very fussy and I am going to try and help this condition in case it is an allergy by changing her diet to natures menu but I know it can takes a few weeks.


Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:35 pm
by Marla
We had a similar issue with Rosie twice. The first time, she had what looked like teeny red crystals between her toes, turned out it was a type of mites. We treated her with Frontline (the old version) and that cleared the mites, even though mites weren't listed as something Frontline got rid of. But after the mites had cleared up she continued to lick the area raw, so we had to put an Elizabethan collar on her to break the habit and allow the area to heal.

The second time this happened, there didn't appear to be anything between her toes to be causing it, so we put a Elizabethan collar on her to again break the habit and allow the area to heal.


Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:29 pm
by Nicyorke79
Have you tried mixing the tablet with some lick-e-lix?. I used to crush the tablets my poorly girl had and mix them in and she wolfed it down. Not all cats seem to like it, but its worth a try. Good luck.

Nicola x