Vicious Cat Fight

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Vicious Cat Fight

Post by Grace56 »

I heard ominous yowling in the yard about half hour ago. I knew it was Dave and a black cat who comes to visit. Dave was the one kicking up the row as they stared at each other. And by God he sounds dreadful and very scary.

Anyway, I went over to them and tried to end the 'stand off' as it has worked before. But this time, as the black cat tried to run, Dave caught him and the most vicious cat fight broke out. I've not seen anything like that before. Fur was actually flying and spreading out all over the road. It was very alarming. Dave was on top and little black getting the worse of it.

I couldn't, daren't try to stop it and when the visitor tried to make its escape, Dave was on it again and more yowls and tumbling like in a cartoon when it's a blur.

I finally got Dave away by waving my long feather duster at him. And they finally separated and went their separate ways. But Dave was still 'up' so I didn't touch him and he went to hide after yowling at me.
I just hope this won't be a regular thing. As I say, I've heard them yowling at each other, but NEVER seen Dave attack like that. I don't know if I made it worse by going out but I've done that before with no fighting.

I'm worried that the owner of the black cat may see Dave, or find out where he lives and hurt him.

(Edit) After eating, Dave has slunk upstairs. Unusual because he loves basking in the sun. Plus, should I intervene again if I hear the yowls or let them fight it out? This scrap took place on the road side of a parked car.
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by bobbys girl »

Crikey! Do you know the owner of the black cat? It might be an idea to find out and have a little word with them.

For a while we had a 'stray' cat turning up and picking fights with ours (didn't matter who). I must admit I had murderous thoughts towards him - he was SO aggressive and fighting our cats on THEIR territory!

Then I found out he was a rescue cat and the poor owner was at her wits end - he was aggressive to her as well (probably why he was a rescue cat!)

Knowing this and putting a 'face' to the owner - although we never met, diffused the situation a little.

We got to know the signs that he was around and could shoo him off before anything kicked off. Fate stepped in soon after. The cat was run over while chasing another cat. Awful thing to say, but perhaps he had it coming. :?

Have you checked Dave - when he's calmed down, little monkey?!
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by Grace56 »

I've just been upstairs to check on Dave after his scrap and there's some specks of blood on the quilt cover. He looks miserable and won't allow me to touch him. When I try, he grumbles at me.

He has eaten since the fight but now I think reaction has set in. I am now very concerned. What shall I do. I'll keep my eye on him of course, but I'm a natural worrier and cannot see anything but a bad outcome.

What would you advise. :(
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by bobbys girl »

Get him to the vets. If nothing else, it will put your mind at rest. Puncture wounds can be small, very hard to find and very nasty.

Poor Dave, perhaps he'll think twice before he does that again!
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by Grace56 »

Thanks, Bobbys Girl. I'll do that. He is now laid on end of bed, covered in an old cardigan and snoozing.

He is now grounded for a while. :)
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by Grace56 »

Well, after his adventures yesterday and the Cat Fight At The OK Courtyard, Dave spent a comfortable night curled up on end of my bed.
At about 05:30 this morning, I was woken up by meowing and Dave insisting on getting under the duvet with me for a cuddle. :) He was happy to stay there til I got up at eight then he came down, ate his breakfast and wanted to go out.

He has not been far from the house and has spent his time basking in the sun which he loves doing, or staring intently at the blocked up rat hole. So, he seems ok but I am keeping my eye on him just in case something flares up. But I've had a dig through his fur and felt his legs, paws and tail and neck and all seems well.

Cats! It's like having stroppy, angsty kids. God bless em. :D
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by bobbys girl »

Grace56 wrote:Cat Fight At The OK Courtyard,
:lol: :lol: So glad to hear he is OK. I'd still keep a look out in the next few days and if he goes a bit quiet get him to the vets for a check up. Little monkey.
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by Crewella »

Glad he's OK, just do keep an eye on him in case a small puncture would gets infected.

I do agree that it might be a good idea to find the owner of the other cat - if the problem is ongoing at least you might be able to work something out together.
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by Grace56 »

I haven't seen that little cat since, Crewella. I think that attack by Dave was the final straw. Poor little thing must've been scared stiff when confronted by Dave and then set upon like that.

I did put a notice in 'Streetlife' to see if she belonged to anyone local, but no answers as yet.

Anyway, Dave is, thankfully ok. But he was very subdued up until the following morning. Now, he's just concentrating on the rat hole. And I suspect the resident rodents have moved out as I haven't heard as much as a squeak for a day or two. And I can usually hear them scratching and squeeling at night behind the skirting boards.

Never a dull moment with our mini tigers is there? :D
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Re: Vicious Cat Fight

Post by Crewella »

Glad Dave's OK - give the little rascal a fuss from me. :)
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