Please can someone help me to help my boy - toilet issues

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Please can someone help me to help my boy - toilet issues

Post by joflo »

I adopted an (approx) 8 yr old handsome ginger boy (Charlie) from my neighbour, who's mum has sadly passed away in April 2014. I had recently lost my beloved 16 yr old beautiful tabby girl and while I wasn't quite ready for another cat, I couldn't bear to think of this little boy not only stressed to the hilt after losing his owner, he was on his own in the house for about six weeks and he had been biting his back and had plucked almost all the hair out :(

He came to us one Monday and would not come near us for a week but eventually, became comfortable in his new home and is the most loving boy that I could ever have wished for, as soon as my butt is near the sofa, he is ready to jump up for a cuddle which is absolutely lovely. He even follows me about like a little puppy!!

HOWEVER..... We have a big problem - he has never used a litter tray nor a cat flap as is previous owner was home all day with him and let him out for a poop/pee as and when he wanted out and consequently, he defecates all over the house and it is becoming such a problem that the original parque floor (eek!) in my living room is getting ruined, the smell is just awful and almost permanent. I am out at work all day but what can i do! I have tried to get him to use the cat flap (buying a new flap, posting him in and out, praising him, giving him treats) but he just will not use it, as well as numerous types of litter and trays and he avoids them like the plague.

I have tried to confine him to one room which seems to make him worse as he thinks he is being punished but I am at the end of my tether, I have had him checked over, ears to tail and he is as strong as an ox.

Any suggestions you can give me would be gratefully received, it will absolutely break my heart if I have to re-home him but the bottom line is that I dread coming home to clear up mess every evening and it is putting a strain on my marriage, my hubby has been very understanding but we are nearing the end of the road called patience :(


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Re: Please can someone help me to help my boy - toilet issue

Post by Kay »

I think the first thing is to try to understand why he does this - does he ask to go out when you are at home? does he poop on the floor even when someone is around to let him out? have you only tried him with hooded litter trays, which some cats don't like

is there is any evidence to suggest he uses the cat flap when no one is at home? getting him to use the cat flap could be easier than house training, given his custom in his earlier home, and this is usually done by propping it open at first, or even removing the flap part when the weather isn't too bad

meanwhile, to break the habit, which would be good even if he does start going out, as an indoor tray is sometimes necessary, I think you must be cruel to be kind, and shut him in a single room with a tray when you are out, and with newspaper down on the floor

you love this boy, and want to keep him, so it is in his best interests to break this habit - it isn't as if you could easily find him another good home while he poops on the floor

and don't despair - this sort of problem is not uncommon, and with patience and persistence you will overcome it
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Re: Please can someone help me to help my boy - toilet issue

Post by Grace56 »

Personally, I don't think cats like cat flaps. When a cat is let out, he usually sits on the doorstep to see who's about (other cats, dogs etc) but with a flap, unless it is a see through one, Charlie will be wary of using it if he's never used one before. He thinks an enemy may be about, ready to pounce as he exits.

Cats perceive cat flaps, not as a convenient way in and out, but as a breach in their safety area (the house) and an entry for other cats. I think that is why Charlie is doing his business indoors. He is marking his territory.

However, I've had cat flaps before and, with patience and understanding, cats can get used to them eventually. Maybe change the actual flap for a clear one so Charlie can see what's out there. But make sure it is locked up or completely blocked off at night.

Use a Feliway plug in while you and your husband are out, and a spray one for his bedding, and around the cat flap. Have two litter trays for him (I believe the rule is one per cat plus one extra) and perhaps leave a radio playing for him.

I hope this helps. Do keep us updated on Charlie's progress. As Kay points out, this problem is very common with rehomed and bewildered cats like Charlie, and with lots of patience, understanding and TLC....all wil be well.

Best wishes and fusses to Charlie. xx
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Re: Please can someone help me to help my boy - toilet issue

Post by Jacks »

I read somewhere that an alternative to a conventional litter tray would be a big (transparent) storage box - perhaps with loose earth in it. You could try this in the area where he last pooped or usually poops. It may be that he's marking his territory indoors because he feels threatened outdoors, but he's habitually an out-door pooper. You don't say if he's inappropriately weeing as well - if not, where does he wee?

If he only does this when you're out, and goes out to poop when you're home, I wonder whether - a long shot - you could have some sort of enclosure outside that he could live in when you were out? There are a lot of lovely cat enclosures around, and he could have a nice kennel in it and a 'flower bed' to do his business, a 'tree' to climb with some platforms to watch the world, some toys...
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