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little dots on the sofa

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:45 am
by Emmalou22
My cats are leaving strange little dots everywhere. Wherever they've been they leave little black and white bits. It feels and looks like sand. I have checked they're fur and ears and there is nothing on them? What on earth could it be??

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:35 am
by Lyn from Australia
Pick some of it up and wet it - if it turns a "rusty" colour it's flea poop. I think this is likely, as I think the white bits may be flea eggs. :o
If they are outdoor cats they could perhaps have been rolling in someone's garden? If you're worried, and still unsure of what you're dealing with, phone the vet for advice, but you might have to take them in.

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:19 pm
by lilynmitz
I agree, it sounds like fleas. The flea season has started with avengeance up here!

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 6:18 am
by Emmalou22
Thanks guys. I've just never seen it before on any of my cats. Found live ones on them yesterday and the eggs are unreal there's so many it does look like a good hundred or so it's crazy. I've flead them a few days ago so fingers crossed they'll be back to normal soon

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:22 am
by elastu
I would suggest you also spray the home with something like Staykill or Indorex usually much cheaper from online pharmacies e.g VetUK.

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:56 am
by Lyn from Australia
Yes, for sure, make sure you thoroughly treat your home and wash and treat the cat bedding etc - and vacuum like a maniac as there will be eggs everywhere the cats have been - then discard your vacuum bag. Hope you've managed to catch it before you have a major outbreak.

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:23 pm
by lilynmitz
I agree with Lyn. Treat the whole house and clean everything, vacuum all the little corners, by skirtings, under sofa cushions, under furniture, the lot. It sounds like you've got a fairly bad outbreak already, but if you deep clean the house and flea treat it now, you should get it under control again.

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:55 am
by kashifali22
Thanks guys. I've just never seen it before on any of my cats. Found live ones on them yesterday and the eggs are unreal there's so many it does look like a good hundred or so it's crazy. I've flead them a few d

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:04 am
by sarie
I had this last year. If you have evidence of flea poop and eggs then the infestation is pretty bad so you'll need to make sure you treat the environment as well as the cats Kashifali.
I vacuumed the whole house top to bottom and then treated with a can of Indorex spray (concentrate around the edge of the carpets/floors in particular).
I washed their beds and my bedding on a hot wash and I have been de-fleaing the cats monthly ever since. We've had no more fleas for over 2 months now so hopefully it's under control. I've got one more monthly treatment to give the cats and then I'll drop back onto 6 weekly treatment to keep on top of things as monthly was just to break the cycle due to the infestation.

If you just treat your cats and don't treat your house with that kind of infestation then you'll find that the fleas quickly re-appear.

Good luck! They're gross little things :)

Oh, also make sure you're using a good flea treatment on the cats. Something like Frontline, Stronghold or Advocate. Stuff you can buy off the shelf in a supermarket is no good... i.e. Bob Martin's.

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:21 am
by hypercat
elastu wrote:I would suggest you also spray the home with something like Staykill or Indorex usually much cheaper from online pharmacies e.g VetUK.

I always use Indorex as it is brilliant. Did you know it also kills spiders? And spraying round with it stops them coming in! x

Re: little dots on the sofa

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:23 am
by hypercat
It sounds like fleas to me as well. I always thought fleas were unlikely in the winter but I have found a few on my kitten. I agree with all the advice given. x