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Traumatised by dog attack

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:23 pm
by johntruscott
My cat was attacked by a Scottie dog three days ago, since when he's been unusually quiet, turned in on himself and unresponsive except when I tried to stroke him, when he snarled and spat and yowled and once bit my hand quite hard, which he'd never normally do. Today I think I managed to locate an area that's painful, on one side of his body, so that when I just stroke his head and under his chin he's fine, as he seems to trust that I won't touch the painful spot; he has no loss of appetite and still jumps up easily on to the counter for his dry food, but I notice that he goes downstairs quite gingerly (though fine going up) and there seems to be a swelling at the painful place.
I'm not sure what I should do. Getting him into the carrying basket is a struggle at the best of times and would probably be a lot worse than usual and might be really painful for him, so I'd ideally like to avoid taking him to a vet. I just wish I could know whether he's in any constant pain or whether the hurt is mainly psychological, in which case he'll eventually get over it.

Re: Traumatised by dog attack

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:14 pm
by booktigger
If there is swelling, he needs to see a vet, in case antibiotics are needed

Re: Traumatised by dog attack

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 1:25 pm
by meriad
I'm not even sure where to start so won't say too much besides

Get your cat to a vet asap!!!!!!!!!!!!

No offence, but difficult to get a cat in a carrier or not, I find it quite hard to swallow that it's been three day since an attack by a dog and your cat hasn't been seen by a vet.

Re: Traumatised by dog attack

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:11 pm
by johntruscott
Thank you both very much for your sense of urgency, as soon as I read your e-mails this morning I contacted my local Blue Cross animal hospital and they saw Jordi immediately and treated him. He had a puncture wound from a tooth, with hardened and swollen flesh around it. Fortunately, there was no trace of a symmetrical wound on his other side, which would have meant that the dog had got Jordi between his jaws and could have injured him fatally, but there is still a slight chance that he has internal damage. He has had some injections and I have a course of antibiotics to give him, and if he fails to respond or if his condition worsens I will contact the hospital again. They have a 24-hour emergency service.
Thank you again for responding so emphatically.
Re the carrier, Jordi was so subdued he went in without much protest.

Re: Traumatised by dog attack

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 1:37 pm
by meriad
thank you so much! Fingers crossed Jordi makes a speedy recovery and is back to his usual self very soon.

Re: Traumatised by dog attack

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 6:58 pm
by johntruscott
Thank you! He's perked up a lot since seeing the vet.

Re: Traumatised by dog attack

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:43 pm
by Crewella
I'm so glad you took note and acted promptly, and pleased that he's, hopefully, on the mend. :)