Update on Holly

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Update on Holly

Post by Hollysmum »

Firstly I want to thank everyone who responded to "Elderly cat meows loudly at night" which I posted during last month. Holly has just returned from her "holiday" with my parents - as I suspected, my dad wouldn't hear of me not leaving her with them! My husband and I were delayed in Sharm el Sheikh by the recent security situation, and returned two days later than expected, but Holly had had an absolute ball! When I spoke to my dad early on Saturday morning, he was bothered that he'd run out of food pouches for her - I'd left three boxes with him, along with a large bag of biscuits, so it sounds as though she ate well! He had no issues with her not using her litter tray, even though it was, of course, in a completely different place from the one she'd chosen at home. He said that she had liked to sleep alongside the radiator (no surprise there!), and had got on perfectly well with their own cat, Leo, as she has done previously. What he did say to me was "Had you realised that she's totally deaf, Catherine?" and suddenly, a lot of other things made sense. Her apparent confusion, in particular, made more sense. I'd thought that she probably had some hearing loss, like a lot of elderly creatures do, but I don't think I considered that she'd gone totally deaf. Since coming home, she's like a different cat - quite chilled, not anywhere near as confused, and eating well. No litter tray problems, either. I've been leaving a light on for her at night, as this seems to stop her from meowing loudly - I've finally convinced my husband that it's worth the little bit extra in electricity! I think he's realised, too, how worried I've been about her - he put the heating on specially for her yesterday morning. My thanks again to you all. Catherine.
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Re: Update on Holly

Post by jillyvillyvoo »

That's great Catherine! Nice to hear when things improve, good luck and thanks fr keeping us posted. Give her a big fuss from me x
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Re: Update on Holly

Post by meriad »

oh bless her - she sounds just like my Molly who also went deaf and had feline dementia and would wail her head off in the middle of the night.
And dare I say - the deafness made her such a more chilled cat; not afraid of the vacuum cleaner, fireworks, sudden noises etc - she used to be terrified before. Only downside was that she never heard the other (esp my younger two) cats come towards her and Ava and Harry would take great delight in ambushing her and body splatting her - poor old girl; miss her loads.

Give your old girl a gentle fuss from me and enjoy your time with your oldie - they are super precious and special
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Re: Update on Holly

Post by lilynmitz »

I'm pleased her little holiday with you dad went well. It often takes an outsider to spot the problem, and her deafness could certainly explain her behaviour. You will need to restrict her outdoor access now I'm afraid, or at least make your garden totally secure. as she will be very vulnerable outisde
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Re: Update on Holly

Post by Crewella »

Oh I'm so pleased that she's more chilled out, and that she enjoyed her 'holiday'! I hope she remains so settled. :)
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Re: Update on Holly

Post by Hollysmum »

Thank you all for your lovely replies - I'm so relieved that she's more relaxed now. I had really thought that I might be in danger of losing her, but I'm far happier that she's OK, old but not ill, and doing her usual elderly cat things. I think our own holiday chilled my husband a bit too!!!
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