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Scratching the walls

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 12:14 pm
by Sundown
A little background - My cat was adopted from a shelter around 10 weeks. He was orpahaned around 5 weeks and placed in a foster home until I adopted him. He is strictly an indoor cat, has been neutered, and will be 2 in March.

The problem - For the past several weeks he has started scratching the walls. he usually does this late at night or early morning. We are losing sleep over this. If we block his access to one wall he just moves on to another. He has a large climbing structure that has several scratching posts. He also has several other scratching objects scattered throughout the house. There is no evidence of mice or anything living in the walls.

I am looking for any advice on how to get him to stop scratching the walls. Putting sticky tape or anything else on the walls is not an option since we would have to cover all exposed walls. I've tried spraying the walls with a menthol based spray (he hates that smell) but that hasn't worked either.


Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:26 pm
by Jacks
Has anything changed in the home recently, which might have disturbed him? Otherwise it sounds like he's just got himself a bad habit which, without anything else to interest him at that time of the night, he is perpetuating. :oops:

Only two things I can suggest - one is to wear him out with active play in the evening, so that he sleeps through without the need to entertain himself (and leave some ping pong balls around the house that he can play football with in the wee small hours, although that in itself is rather noisy and disruptive) :roll: - or try him with another young companion cat... They can then entertain each other. Cats naturally have a period before dawn where they are naturally active and go on the hunt - if this is not possible they need other ways to entertain themselves.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 3:45 pm
by lilynmitz
It sounds to me like he's bored. He may be the type of cat who's most active at night. My two wake up about the time we go to bed but luckily they're pretty good at amusing themselves, and we hear them charging round the house for a while before they settle down again, but we find all their toys strewn round the house int he morning! (The house looks like a whirlwind went through a cat toy factory!)

I agree with Jacks, wear him out before bedtime, and leave some toys around overnight that the can entertain himself with. Do change his toys from time to time too - they get bored with the old ones. Even new versions of their favourite toys do the trick (no idea why!)

It might also be worth considering a companion for him. Talk this through carefully with a good rescue centre, and they can guide you to what cat would be best suited to your puss, and you of course :-)

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 9:41 pm
by Sundown
I would love to get him a companion cat, but the landlord has only approved us for one cat. :(
I will try increasing play sessions at night. Unfortunately, he is not one to play by himself much. He rarely chases balls or plays with catnip toys. His favorite toys are Da Bird and the longs flexible wands with feathers attached. Those have to be put away at night or he will completely destroy them. One of his favorite things to play with is a makeup brush. (I have an odd cat.)

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:43 am
by suelily
My cat doesn't play with any toys either. Never has and I have had him from 10 months. Plays with laces when I hold them up and swing them round. Of course that's not good when your sleeping. My other cat started scratching my New wallpaper last week but only one area so I have had to put airer in front of it and she hasn't moved to any other area. Thankfully.

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:10 pm
by lilynmitz
To be honest, is it that much of an issue if he destroys his toys? That is kinda what they're for, and he's just doing what a cat would do to prey in the wild. Allowing him to do what comes naturally to cats is important, as preventing them can result in inappropriate behaviours out of frustration, ie in your case, the wall paper shredding. Get him cheap version of the toys he loves, and let him shred them. It's a lot cheaper than replacing the wall paper!

(PS, I always put away toys on strings at night in case they get carried away and get tangled up in them, with disastrous results.)

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:22 pm
by Crewella
I thought the same as lilynmitz - it's better he destroys his own stuff than yours! My oldies are pretty quiet these days, but I remember when my original family of cats were younger a couple of them absolutely loved ripping into cardboard boxes. Made a heck of a mess but it was very easily cleared up, it kept them occupied for hours and saved them from destroying anything of value!

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:56 pm
by suelily
I agree Crewella my cat loves cardboard boxes. It seemed to be the only time the two of them really get angry and hissing and claws out. So I got them one each and they fight over the same one.Lol. The wee one goes in and tries to pull the sides shut. Funny. Or one is in and the other on top and the paw fights begin. Very entertaining I must admit.

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:32 pm
by Sundown
His favorite toy is Da Bird which is feathers on a string, so I put those away for safety reason. I am hesitant about leaving out the feather wands because I don't want him eating the feathers.

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:57 pm
by Crewella
I do understand your concerns about putting away some toys, for safety as you say. Is there anything else you can think of that might keep him occupied safely?

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:36 am
by suelily
Does your cat have a climbing frame. That can be entertaining. I also purchased a catit design senses play circuit from petplanet which are on sale just now. My cat plays with it constantly.The sensit system can be connected so you can add whatever parts you want to.

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:57 pm
by Sundown
Suelily, Is this the product you have? ... B001LWRFW2

Re: Scratching the walls

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:21 pm
by suelily
Yes Sundown it is. Cat loves it.