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Frightened cat going outside

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:36 am
by daved2424

We adopted a cat from a shelter a couple of weeks ago. He is very friendly but has been a little wary of the new house. He has been making good progress and yesterday spent all evening with us and for the first time slept most of the night (big relief).

We have been taking him out of the lead for a few minutes each day to get used to the garden. He has been enjoying it and has come back in when he has had enough.

Unfortunately today something spooked him and he tried to get away. He got caught up in the lead and attacked both myself and my partner. Not seriously, but enough for break the skin in several places. We managed to get him back inside and now he his hiding in his favourite spot under the bed. He looks ok, but is understandably spooked.

We have left him alone. What would people recommend doing now? Just wait until he comes out? Check on him again at dinner? Every couple of hours? I am worried he is going to be scared of us now, but I also want to make sure he is ok.

Many thanks for your help in advance.

Re: Frightened cat going outside

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:54 pm
by meriad
Personally I'd keep him in 24/7 for a good few weeks yet - no access to the garden at all until he's 100% comfortable and settled in the house. He needs to feel safe there, that is your priority at the moment. He will come round so don't worry about that; it may take a few hours or overnight but once he's calmed down he'll come out. Carry on as per normal, ignore him and give him his space to realise it's OK and he's safe. And once he's 100% happy with his new home and you only then would I let him out, but in the conventional way, ie open door or cat flap and leave him to figure it out in his own time

PS: on a different note, I'm very much against leashes and harnesses, for exactly the reason you mentioned. You were lucky you managed to hold on to him and get him back inside, but could you imagine if he had been able to get away from you with a leash and harness attached? There is no way he'd be able to get out of those unaided and the chances of him getting caught up in something and suffering a horrendous injury or even worse is just too awful :(

Re: Frightened cat going outside

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:42 pm
by daved2424
Thank you for your advice meriad.

He is a little better this evening, still a little grumpy though!

Re: Frightened cat going outside

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:52 pm
by lilynmitz
I completely agree, you're putting him through too much too soon. I've recently given a home to two very scared cats, and it really does take a long time for them to build up confidence. It was months before I started letting them out. I waited till I knew they were really relaxed and confident in their new home before exposing them to the stresses of the big outdoors.

And if he spooks easily, not being able to escape due to the lead would undoubtedly have made him flip out, so I'm not at all surprised at what happened. I completely agree with Ria about leads and harnesses - they're a very bad idea. Had he run off with it still attached, if it tangled in something he could have been trapped where you couldn't find him, exposed to predators, or even strangled by his own lead. Wait until he's ready, then let him have his freedom the conventional way, but do give him plenty of time, and then some more, to settle in with you till he's completely confident.

Re: Frightened cat going outside

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:29 pm
by ithai
I have a similar problem. My nearly 3 year old just wanted to come in from time outside and he jumped me when I went to pick him up. He only goes out when it's warm enough but I don't know what to do to help him remember who I am in a moment of sudden shock. It's latent and he's an otherwise calm and cuddly Siamese. I can't afford feliaway. Is there anything I can do to help him better cope than soothing music and lavendar and time and love? I've and he has cut his spring/summer outside time down a lot due to fear. Then, like just now? He spends too much time outside and goes a bit berserk. I have calm down methods that work but want to stop the episode before it starts. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Frightened cat going outside

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 2:04 pm
by Grace56
I kept my rescue cat in for about two months before allowing him out.
I used to carry him to the open door so he could see what was there and sniff the air. Then I let him out for gradually longer with me in attendance. You should have seen me trying to cover all bases (escape routes) on my own with a sweeping brush. :lol:
Then, as he became more comfortable I let him out before meal times and he'd soon come back.
I always leave the back door open so he can get in and out as I don't like cat flaps.

He does scarper back in if something alarms him. Usually its kids or noisy cars/people.

Good luck with your little one.