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Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 8:57 pm
by Jan
This isn't a life threatening problem, I know but Blackie's fur mowing and scratching has been going on now for 3 months and while I've seen much worse cases on the internet, the treatment the vet gave (Cortavance spray) just doesn't seem to be working or stopping him. I've now discovered that he's scratched fur out from under his chin as well. But to look at the rest of his coat, you'd think he was in the best of health - silky and glossy.

The vet believes it is stress related which always seems an easy answer as far as Blackie is concerned. However, there is a young cat who has been venturing into our garden over the past weeks. He doesn't seem to threaten Blackie - yet anyway - just looks to see if Blackie is going to attack and when he senses he isn't, just carries on smelling different plants in the garden. Blackie sits and watches him, might spray urine over a bush (presumably to let the intruder know the garden is his territory). A couple of times he has run back into the garden room leaving his territory undefended until I chase the youngster away.

Knowing Blackie as the vet does, she thinks the intruder is stressing Blackie out and causing his licking/scratching. I've suggested to the vet that we block up the hole through which this cat comes - but as Blackie also uses this hole and has done all his life, the vet didn't think this was a good idea.

I am out of ideas to help Blackie other than chasing the cat away to let it know its not welcome - shame really, its a friendly, sweet looking little cat. For a while I thought Blackie had found a friend ... until I remembered Blackie doesn't have cat friends :lol:

Re: Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 9:44 pm
by Crewella
I think in your place I probably would start to try and chase the intruder off. It is a shame, though. A water pistol is my weapon of choice and hissing at the unwelcome visitor. Good luck, and give the lovely Blackie a scritch from me. xx

Re: Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 10:02 am
by meriad
Jan wrote:The vet believes it is stress related which always seems an easy answer as far as Blackie is concerned.
what do you think? Do you agree with the vet?
Jan wrote:For a while I thought Blackie had found a friend ... until I remembered Blackie doesn't have cat friends :lol:
Just thinking... if Blackie isn't really reacting to this cat then maybe keep monitoring the situation.... My Monty isn't keen on other cats, but there are some in neighbour hood he just tolerates, and they him. It's quite odd how some will bring out the worst in each other, but others just ignore each other

Re: Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:35 pm
by JulieJulie
Don't be fooled by your cat looking nonchalant, cats hide a myriad of emotions. We have problems with other cats, often caused by ME feeling sorry for them as they are obviously neglected and it has brought untold stress to my own cats so I'm harsher now I'm afraid. My cats only go out the back so waifs only get assistance if they come to the front of my house now! I'm lucky enough that my house is pedestrianized out the front so this doesn't cause them to be encouraged to go near the road....

Re: Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 5:21 pm
by Jan
what do you think? Do you agree with the vet?

Sometimes I do, other times am looking for an easier answer. I took what I initially thought was some flea dirt round to the clinic the other week, only to be told it was garden dirt :lol:

Knowing Blackie as I do, I think its as likely to be down to stress as anything else. Last Friday we had an episode of 2 very tiny clumps of litter in his tray in a very short space of time during the day (highly unusual for him to even use his tray in daytime). I worried that another bout of FIC might be coming on, so decided to up his cystophan to 2 x day and then phoned the vet to ask if it was ok to give him a shot of Metacam in view of his CKD. I have noticed over recent weeks that the urine clumps in his litter first thing in the morning are slightly smaller than they used to be ... might be to do with his stress levels about the other cat - who knows? Early morning is the only time he uses his litter tray.
Just thinking... if Blackie isn't really reacting to this cat then maybe keep monitoring the situation.... My Monty isn't keen on other cats, but there are some in neighbour hood he just tolerates, and they him. It's quite odd how some will bring out the worst in each other, but others just ignore each other
I rang the vet this afternoon to ask her a few questions (she always greets me with 'And how is Blackie today?'). One question was about the young intruder and she thinks its best, as Blackie can't or won't defend his territory, that I should shoo it away when I see it. She understood my reluctance because its such a friendly little thing, but Blackie has to come first. Wish I could make them both 'shake paws'.

Re: Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 5:35 pm
by Jan
JulieJulie wrote:Don't be fooled by your cat looking nonchalant, cats hide a myriad of emotions. We have problems with other cats, often caused by ME feeling sorry for them as they are obviously neglected and it has brought untold stress to my own cats so I'm harsher now I'm afraid. My cats only go out the back so waifs only get assistance if they come to the front of my house now! I'm lucky enough that my house is pedestrianized out the front so this doesn't cause them to be encouraged to go near the road....
My mother used to invite a b/w cat into the house to feed it (Blackie belonged to her for 10 years). She insisted this fat cat was a stray - no matter how much I tried to tell her it wasn't. The owners (who I now know) must have wondered why their cat was putting on so much weight! Can't imagine how much stress and distress this must have caused Blackie - and though at the time I had no love for him (he was a very unfriendly cat who would claw you if you tried to stroke him), I kept telling her how unfair she was being to her own cat. She told me there had been a terrific fight in the dining room one day between the 2 cats - though it didn't stop her from feeding the 'stray' just inside the side kitchen door. This cat used to swagger across the garden as though it owned the place. Blackie was terrified of it.

He has had some bad experiences in fights with other cats since we adopted him 3 years ago and took him to our own house in Kent. Two attacked him outside the back of our house and we found him quivering with fear on top of the side gate post. The neighbourhood bully who I think believed he owned the street once chased Blackie into our garden and I got there just in time before it launched himself at Blackie cowering against the chalet doors at the end of the garden. I have never forgotten, nor ever will, the look of absolute terror in Blackie's eyes - even though its 2 years ago, I can still see it.

Re: Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:34 pm
by Crewella
He's a lucky boy to have landed with someone like you, who is prepared to put him first at last. :)

It IS horrible having to chase intruding cats out of your garden - I used to have to do it to protect Alpha, who was blind but loved to sit out in the sunshine. One cat was a bully, and I never minded hissing and growling at him (much to the amusement of the neighbours!!) but a couple were nice friendly cats and I used to feel really guilty!

Re: Blackie's belly licking/scratching ..

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 12:09 pm
by Jan
Have passed on your 'scratch', Helen ... though Blackie hardly needs any encouragement on that score :lol:

The little cat has been back in our garden several times since I last posted - each time Blackie has gone towards him - and then the 2 cats have just eyed each other until the intruder decides its safe to make his getaway. I've not wanted to interfere, hoping that Blackie would see the intruder off himself. This morning the youngster came across the lawn with Blackie chasing after him. But as soon as the youngster decided to make a challenge Blackie ran back towards the garden room :roll:

However, the other day a b/w cat crossed the garden and Blackie shot after him, chasing him through the hole under the fence to make sure he'd gone. He must have a 'thing' about b/w cats!