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Lethargic cat

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:52 pm
by mr_frisky

I got in this morning and noticed one of my cats wasn't right. She is very lethargic and is off her food. Earlier she tried to go to the toilet but nothing came out. She has spent the day wandering around the house meowing occasionally and feeling sorry for herself, trying to find somewhere comfortable to sleep, then 2 minutes later is up and trying to find somewhere else.

I phoned the vets and they managed to fit me in, but couldn't find any evidence of trauma, bowel blockage or a temperature. She advised me to video her activity on the phone then come back in at 5 if she isn't better where they can run blood tests and keep her in overnight if necessary.

Any ideas or experience with similar behaviour? I'm worried about the obvious things, such as poison, but she hasn't vomitted at all, just wanders around slowly trying to find somewhere comfortable.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 3:29 pm
by alanc
How worrying. Is she anaemic at all (pale gums and tongue)? (Although I expect the vets will have checked for this.) Reason I mention it is that it was similar lethargy which was the only symptom Badger displayed when he had cancer of his spleen and pancreas. Hope it is nothing like that.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 3:31 pm
by lilynmitz
You were right to get her to the vet, she doesn't sound at all well. It's hard to say what's wrong based on what you describe, particularly if the vet couldn't find anything obvious, but do keep a careful eye on her and if it continues or if she deteriorates, do take her in straight away. In particular, make sure she's eating and drinking - they can go downhill quite quickly if they dehydrate, but keep an eye on the litter tray contents as well. Poor lass sounds very uncomfortable, but I hope you can get to the bottom of it soon so that you can get the right treatment started. Or even better, she turns a corner and starts improving in her herself. But if in doubt, do take her back to the vet.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 5:08 pm
by mr_frisky
Thanks for the replies.

I took her back to the vet at 5. She was lying in a flower bed at the bottom of the garden (after I had been searching for her for over half an hour), so she seemed to have found somewhere to settle without being too uncomfortable.

They checked her over again, and I showed the vet the phone footage. She said she wouldn't be grooming herself if she was really ill, but took her temperature again, checked her over and shined a light in her eyes and ears. These were normal but she did say her eyes were a little more closed than earlier. Rather than take blood she gave her an anti-nausea and pain reliever in case she had had a knock or was feeling sick, and wants to see her again tomorrow.

Interestingly when we got back she ate most of a bowl of Sheba. I now need to keep an eye on her and see how she goes tonight.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:57 am
by Grace56
I wonder if it could be the very warm weather which is making her uncomfortable. Yesterday, it was 79f here in Norwich and my Dave was wandering about a bit and meowing.
What I do is get some kitchen roll and wet it with cool water and rub him all over with this. He seems to like that. :)

I hope your little one feels better today. It's going to be cooler so she may be more at ease.

Let us know.


Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:47 am
by mr_frisky
She's been sleeping for 14 hours now (first on the patio then and since in the kitchen on some towels). She doesn't really seem interested in getting up or doing anything. Is it possible metacam and other drug they gave her yesterday (Cerenia) have made her drowsy? When you search for Metacam that's the first question that comes up in Google.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:53 pm
by Crewella
Poor girl, it's such a worry when they're off but you can't quite work out what's wrong. I guess it's possible that the Metacam has made her drowsy, but it could also be that she has been feeling uncomfortable and therefore not sleeping properly, and the Metacam has allowed her to catch up on some proper sleep?

I really hope she's OK and you manage to work out what's up. xx

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:35 pm
by mr_frisky
I don't want to speak too soon, but she's been a lot brighter today. When I got home she was standing on the kitchen worktops waiting for food, which she ate. She had been lying barely moving for 18 hours. She even went in the garden, walked around and purred for the first time in 3 days as I stroked her. Her meow seems normal now (not the plaintiff going to the vets yowl), she isn't squinting any more, and her ears are upright, not sideways. She also was able to go to the toilet.

She still has a tender spot on her ears (have some drops in case its an ear infection), and is nowhere near her normal self but it's a big improvement.

The blood test results from yesterday came through and they can't find anything, apart from a slight elevation in pancreatic enzymes, which may be symptomatic of pancreatitis, but she doesn't think so.

Fingers crossed.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:48 pm
by alanc
Glad to hear things are improving. Hope it continues.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:54 pm
by Crewella
It's good to hear that she's perking up. Hopefully just one of those mystery 'bugs', my gang have had a few of those over the years and they don't ever seem to have become part of a bigger picture. I hope she's soon back to normal - I seem to remember that your gang sometimes all sleep on top of the fridge? :D

Give her a fuss from me. :).

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:21 pm
by mr_frisky
Thanks Crewella - yes they do sometimes lie on the fridge, or more usually, the dresser next to it.

She's about the same today, not purring but ate a whole bowl of dinner this morning and a little this evening. She seems to be straining when she goes to the toilet, as though constipated, and only small bits come out.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:53 pm
by Lilith
I'm really just 'thinking aloud' here but the first thing that came to mind when you first posted was constipation. Did the vet palpate (or whatever it is they do) her anal area to see if there was a hard motion waiting there? As I'm sure we all know, if we've experienced the same, this can be most uncomfortable and could account for her symptoms, but at the same time she'll have wanted to eat/wash etc.

I WAS going to say I hope you get to the bottom of this... :oops: But no pun intended, honestly! Even I wouldn't joke about a thing like this. I really do hope you find the cause and that she gets back to normal asap, give her a love from me and all the very best :)

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:50 pm
by mr_frisky
She is definitely constipated as she strains and produces very little.

She managed to join the others on the (single storey) flat roof extension this morning, so must have jumped up somehow, and was out all night and day (despite my better judgement).

She ate this morning and a little this evening. Just waiting for the final pancreatic blood test results tomorrow.

Currently she is lying in the (clean) cat tray, as she did briefly yesterday. I wonder if she s trying to tell me something?

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:37 pm
by Crewella
Have you mentioned the constipation issues to the vet? Might be worth another visit? Poor lass, give her a fuss from me. xx

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:05 pm
by mr_frisky
I had the results of the second blood test today, which indicates she has pancreatitis. Her pancreas-specific lipase concentration reading is 5.4, which is on the borderline. I took her in again, and the vet started treatment with a painkilling injection, an anti-emetic injection for nausea, and she has given me a whole host of medicines: Synuclav antibiotic in case there is any adverse bacterial build up in the organs; some Zantac syrup, which is a histamine blocker that is used to prevent and treat stomach and intestinal conditions in cats and dogs; Vetergesic liquid as a painkiller (although I'm in 2 minds over this judging by the horror stories on the internet) and some electrolyte capsules for water.

She has been getting better (gradually) every day, apart from on tuesday where it was markedly better, and is eating and drinking and grooming. However, she hasn't run yet, just walking slowly.

Anyone else with experience of pancreatitis?

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:20 pm
by Lilith
Oh poor lass - very very sorry to hear. Did the vet say anything about the constipation and straining?

I'm sorry I've no experience of pancreatitis, just wanted to send my commiserations, but there are a few people on here I think who do know about it.

All the very best, good luck with her.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:23 pm
by alanc
Tilly had a bad bout of Pancreatitis over New Year (there is a thread on it on here somewhere). She was put on a drip and hospitalized at the time. Had Penicillin and Metacam. She has made a full recovery and is back to her usual bouncy self, making life unpleasant for the local mice. On advice received from this forum I changed her diet to avoid fatty food, which seems to have worked, albeit increasing her food bill by quite a bit.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:47 pm
by mr_frisky
Thanks both. They didn't think she needed a drip as she has been eating and drinking, but It'll be a job to give her all that medication.

The vet didn't think she was constipated as she felt around her stomach area. Maybe she has been going somewhere.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:58 pm
by Crewella
Well, at least you now know what the matter is, I have no experience but wish her well again soon. Good luck with the meds. :)

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 11:09 am
by Kris35
Hi Mr Frisky,

My 18 year old girl has just been diagnosed with pancreatitis. They gave her an anti nausea shot and a course of Synulox. Within two hours of giving her the first dose of Sybulox, she was heaving (she is never sick or heaves) and passing blood. Vet said to carry on and if the same happened again we should look at another antibiotic. Well she is coping with the Synulox and was eating well unti today. Saw she spat her tablet out (the dose I gave her last night - found on the floor) and she really wants to eat but can't. So I am waiting for this mornings dose of Synulox to work and then she might need an anti sickness jab again.

I gave her Vetergesic last year for her IBS and she was spaced out all night - just really scary. Vet says if she needs a painkiller then we can try her on a lower dose.

I'm at the stage where I am looking at her quality of life. One minute I think this cannot go on and then the next I think she is much better.

Any updates on your cat?

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 7:14 pm
by mr_frisky
Hi Kris, my cat seems to be getting better slowly (touch wood). She ran briefly for the first time today, is eating normally and is climbing, but isn't running around, rolling, playing etc. You can still catch her if you want her to come in, whereas normally you'd have no chance. Last sunday she was just hiding away, no location seemed to be comfortable enough for her. She's still lying around a lot (they all are to be honest). She's lost her squint now though, and her ears are sticking upright again, so far just crumbling synulox into her food, which she eats about 2/3 of (the food and the pill).

I haven't given her the Vetergesic as I'm read some scary stories about it on the internet, and am not sue she really needs a painkiller. She hasn't been sick yet, but have treid some Zantac syrup. I am failing miserably with most of the meds!

I know how worried you are about your cat. The vet recommends a drip if they don't eat, as cats get most of their water from food. The blood in her cat tray isn't necessarily a bad sign, apparently, as even constipation can cause blood in their faeces.

Hope they both get better soon.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2016 7:27 pm
by Kris35
Hi Mr Frisky,

My darling is sitting hunched up as if in pain - Ive noticed her sitting like this on and off over the last several months but as she has IBS I thought that was the reason - it might still be but now she has the double whammy of pancreatitis. Just been bawling on the phone to vet - taking her in tomorrow at half nine. She really wants to eat but is obviously feeling nauseaus so maybe an anti sickness shot tomorrow. I feel its coming to that time though and I will never ever get over it.

How old is your cat? If she is young I reckon she has a good chance of recovery. I really hope so.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:56 pm
by mr_frisky
Hi Alan

I hope yours gets better soon. Maybe she needs hydration (a drip feed) at the vets? That can make a lot of difference.

Mine is 5. She's running and climbing now, although not herself yet.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 6:58 pm
by alanc
Hi Mr Frisky and Kris
Afraid I can give no more advice than I did further up each of your threads. Looking back in my diary, I see that while Tilly took about 6 days to get back to full health, the worst was over in about 3 days (although it seemed a lot longer), whilst she was in hospital. All the critical care took place while she was in hospital so I do not know what other medication she was given. When she came home, all that really remained was to feed her up to regain some lost weight and try and get the pills down her. Mind you, she had only lost about 0.3kg, not as much as the emergency vet thought on first sight (Tilly is a very narrow bodied cat for her length and being long haired, is not as heavy as might be thought). Only thing that really took time was her fur regrowing after being clipped for the drip - that took some 5 months.
Hope your cats recover as soon as possible. I know only to well how worrying pancreatitis is.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:54 am
by Crewella
I'm glad she's on the mend, Mr Frisky. xx

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:49 pm
by mr_frisky
She's almost her normal self now, although bit wary of me after 4 vet visits. She is climbing up and jumping down 7 foot high wooden fences onto concrete. I doubt she'd do that if she was in pain. It's taken a while but she seems to be improving each day (touch wood).

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:05 pm
by Janey
That’s very good news :)

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 6:47 pm
by mr_frisky
Untitled.jpg (57.79 KiB) Viewed 9173 times
Jumping down the fence last night.

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:12 pm
by Lilith
Aww pretty girl! She does look like my Tess (sadly left me in 2007, rta.)

Looks like she's got a lot of tortitude!

All paws crossed for her improving health and for your girl too Kris, all the best to both of them x

Re: Lethargic cat

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:01 am
by Crewella
Blimey - most of mine wouldn't attempt that at all! :D