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Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:25 pm
by mr_frisky
Just recently I've noticed one of my cats sniffing a bit when she breathes in. It doesn't happen all the time I observe her breathing (maybe one in 8 times), and isn't very loud but can be sometimes. It's a bit like light snoring. It seems to happen when she's more relaxed. I'm sure I remember noticing it about a year ago, maybe longer, but she's been in more than usual and I've been at home since friday, so I may be just noticing it more.

She's been a little more reserved than usual (they all have due to the cold weather, and have been seeking out warm places), but is still playing, and isn't off her food or anything. She's about 8-9 years old, and is a regular domestic shorthair.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar? One of my sister's cats recently died of lymphoma, where she said he was sniffing a lot, and this has spooked me. An internet search scares six colours out of me as I imagine she has every condition that vaguely match the symptoms!

Re: Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:15 am
by Crewella
If it helps, all of mine have just been through a phase of 'the sniffles' for a week or so. Some were just a bit snuffly and a couple were sneezing and pretty 'snotty' for a couple of days but it passed quickly and without anyone seeming too off-colour.

Re: Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 9:36 am
by Ruth B
I think like us humans cats can be prone to sniffles when winter starts. If yours are anything like mine, they are staying indoors a lot more, so not getting as much fresh air, the house is shut up more and the heating is on, all of which can increase the likely hood of minor infections. As long as she is eating well and still reasonably active then i wouldn't worry too much. If she seem to get very drawn into herself, ignoring attention and food then get her to the vets for a check up. It would probably be nothing more than the cat equivalent to the common cold, but it is always worth a check up.

It could also be she is just a bit bunged up and is more prone to snoring because of it.

I always try (I don't always succeed) to keep off the internet with symptom checking, it always leads to the worst possible conclusion.

Hope she is better soon.

Re: Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:37 am
by mr_frisky
Thanks. It doesn't seem like the sniffing you get when you have a cold, more like a chronic thing. I first noticed it over a year ago, and it isn't always noticeable.

She is less active than normal, but they all are, as it's cold.

It's interesting to know other cats get sniffles which aren't anything serious. I didn't think cats could catch colds.

Re: Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:01 pm
by mr_frisky
Took her to the vet, which she severely resisted. He checked her with the stethoscope, and said there was no sign of any fluid or any obvious abnormality with her heart or lungs. After playing a recording of her breathing on my phone, and saying it happens more when she relaxes, he believed it to be most likely an elongated soft palate, which is congenital, and gets more pronounced as they get older. He didn't think it was likely to be heartworm, and said it could be an enlarged pharynx, but you would have to stick an endoscope down to check, which means anaesthesia.

He advised me to keep monitoring it, but didn't see any obvious cause for concern.

I looked up elongated palates on the 'net (bad ideas I know), and it says 'Mildly affected cats will make some increased noise when they breathe, or they may snore when they are relaxed or are sleeping.' She hasn't got the traditional flat face of brachycephalic cats, but apparently they don't all.

It was worth it to (partially) put my mind at rest.

Re: Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:46 pm
by Lilith
Oh that's good (naughty girl, it was for her own good!)

Yes, they can catch colds; usually it's a couple of days with the sniffles, and over with, like human colds. I've had 60 years with cats and I've only ever seen 2 cases of full-blown flu (caught from a cat in a vet waiting room that I was too stupid to move away from!) But I may have been lucky.

Some cats, especially ferals who've been living rough and been vulnerable to more infection, can carry (if that's the right term) what's called 'low grade infections' which may surface through stress (not applicable to your girl of course) and cause a (hopefully) brief cold.

I'm also very lucky never to have seen the dreaded calicivirus etc.

I once had a beloved rescued tom who used to sleep on the bed and wake me with loud riproaring snores...honestly, for a moment, I've thought I was still married :lol:

I've also had many cats who just grunt or click sometimes while breathing.

i've never heard of elongated soft palate, but it sounds very like the grunters or clickers.

Glad she's ok! :D

Re: Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:31 pm
by mr_frisky
Thanks Lilith.

She's up to date with her vaccinations, so theoretically no worry about 'flu. When I was about 15 3 of our cats caught the flu, but they all got well. It was like the drool from a bulldog.

Glad to know other cats grunt and click!

Re: Cat sniffing a bit

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:34 pm
by Crewella
I'm really glad it's nothing scary, by the sound of it. xx

I do use the internet for research, but only once I have some direction for the research from the vet - it's really useful for context, background info and further details. However, I never just google synptoms ..... as has been said, that way, madness lies! :shock: