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Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:13 pm
by Jan
.... after a 3+half week cattery stay. We picked him up on Tuesday and all seemed fine ... he seemed to quickly recognise where the kitchen was, where his bed was located upstairs and he had an excellent appetite that day. We thought he might miss his 'Auntie Linda' at the cattery and the safety of pens where other tom cats can't 'get at him'. He came out of his pen as though he didn't know us at all which wasn't quite the greeting we thought we'd get.

However, next day everything seemed to change. He wouldn't eat hardly anything, no matter how much I tried to tempt him with different food. Even his favourite, Thrive Chicken (an occasional treat) didn't prompt his appetite to return. He'd also had very loose stools in his tray that morning. Yesterday I managed to get him to eat a little more but there were more loose stools in his tray - and the same again this morning. I have got him to eat a bit more today but its his lack of interaction with us - particularly my OH - is worrying. He won't sit in the same room as us and if he hears my OH's voice. his ears go back and he quickly walks off.

My first thought about his lack of appetite for food but drinking all the liquid I put with it was that his kidney disease had suddenly got a lot worse. His lack of interaction with us, particularly my OH - is upsetting and worrying. .

I phoned the vet this morning about Blackie's diarrhoea and she prescribed Canikur Pro to give him for 2/3 days and if things don't improve to bring him in on Monday. I asked her if Blackie's problem might be stress related but she seemed to think not. But to me he is exhibiting all the signs of stress and I'm not quite sure how to handle it apart from reassuring him that we love him and to give him time to settle down. All the same, I hadn't expected this reaction from him.

I've started him on Zylkene + have Pet Remedy around the home. If anyone has any ideas on how to de-stress Blackie, I'd be glad to hear them (other than telling my OH not to speak in a loud voice!).

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:58 am
by risotto
Do the cattery check vaccinations are up to date? Just trying to rule out anything he could have picked up from another cat here.

Was he fed his usual food in the cattery? A change in diet could cause different stools and if he preferred it, he's not eating his usual stuff.

A cat who isn't feel right often won't want to interact with it's owners so it could be this rather than stress. I know loose stools aren't connect with CKD, but I think I'd be tempted to have him checked and maybe his levels checked.

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:33 pm
by meriad
I'd phone Linda and ask if she knows of anything that may have happened at the cattery that could have unsettled Blackie?

I know easier said than done Jan, but try not to fuss about him too much - he could well be picking up on your anxious'ness. Try and behave as normal as you would around him and see if that makes a difference

Fingers crossed you figure out what is going on - gentle fusses to him

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:32 am
by meriad
Hey Jan, just checking in how Blackie is doing?

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:10 am
by Jan
Thanks for checking back, meriad

I'm pleased to report that Blackie seems be a lot better since Saturday evening. Apart from the Canikur Pro, the vet had also advised giving him some boiled chicken to stimulate his appetite. This went down very well ... so well that when I went back into the kitchen some time later on Friday evening to put away the remainder of the pieces I'd cut up, I found Blackie on top of the worktop scoffing the lot. His appetite more or less returned to normal after that.

His poo has returned to the usual shape though is still slightly pale in colour. The one thing that still isn't normal is that he's taken to sleeping on the landing outside the bedroom door (which we leave open) then waking up around 2am, jumping on our bed, walking towards us then jumping off again, almost like he's checking we're still around.

It took a few days for Blackie to go outdoors without me being in the garden with him.

He is due blood/urine tests in a couple of weeks so any deterioration in his kidney function or anything else will be known then.

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:17 pm
by meriad
Oh I'm glad, they do give us cause for worry don't they?

Gentle fusses to him and good luck for the bloods when the time comes

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:48 am
by Jan
meriad wrote:Oh I'm glad, they do give us cause for worry don't they?

Gentle fusses to him and good luck for the bloods when the time comes
Spoke too soon, seems I'm the 'bad guy' now

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 11:11 am
by meriad
oh no, what happened?

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:15 pm
by Jan
No idea. To be honest he isn't the easiest cat to deal with at times - he can turn on a sixpence :roll:

Re: Blackie is not himself ....

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:40 pm
by meriad
They are odd creatures sometimes aren't they - and yes some definitely more than others. I'm lucky with my gang; of the six five are quite laid back and generally very same same - Monty however is the one that, whilst always fine with me thankfully, will from one day to the next be fine and then not fine with the others - contrary soul he is