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Why does my boy keep coming home with fleas?!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 8:15 pm
by Stevie123
Hello everyone, Im a long term cat owner but new to this forum. I'm hoping for some reassurance really.
I have 2 cats. A female aged 11 who I have never had a flea problem with and never even needed to medicate her in the whole 11 years, and we now have a male cat who is aged 1.
We got him last year and sometime at the end of summer we had a flea problem. It was horrible as I had just had a baby. I got bitten a lot. I react very badly to flea bites, huge red lumps that burn and itch for weeks. It was totally my fault as neither cat was flea treated. I felt awful as my poor girl cat who had never had fleas was covered. I think it was clearly boy cat who caused the problem.
Anyway, both cats got put on advantage, house sprayed several times with Indorex. After a month or so it was all sorted, happy days, and we have never missed a treatment since. They get their spot on every month without fail.
Now here is my concern. Since last month I have started seeing fleas on boy cat. First a dead one in his water bowl, then a live one in his water bowl. I have seen two fleas on top of his fur that I picked off. Still alive and jumping. I have found a couple of fleas when sweeping up the floors downstairs, still alive but not really moving much or jumping. I have not seen any fleas just hoping around the house.
I am just so so paranoid about it and it's really upsetting me. I don't want to go through the horror of the infestation we had last year. I have a young baby and a 6 year old and I'm so worries about them getting bitten as I know how awful it is if you react like I do to the bites. If my baby got bitten and reacted badly I would be so upset.
So my question is do any of you still see the odd fleas on your cats? Even though they are on treatment? Should I be worried? Can I be rest assured that any fleas I'm seeing will die and not infest my house again? I feel so uncomfortable that fleas are even in the house, even if they will just die.
Why is my boy coming home with so many fleas? Girl cat doesn't seam to have any?
I did take him the vet last week as I was so paranoid and she said he has no fleas and no flea dirt etc and told me to stick with the advantage.
I don't think there are fleas in our garden as we often. Sit out there and never get bitten. Wish I knew why he keeps coming home with fleas on him.
Sorry this is so long, but can anybody reassure me that I'm doing the right thing and that I don't need to do anything else? Thank you so much for any advice x

Re: Why does my boy keep coming home with fleas?!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 9:34 pm
by Ruth B
A couple of things jump out at me from what you have said.

Firstly the infestation was at the end of last summer, and they have been clear though the winter months. I have noticed that mine don't need doing so much during the winter, but come spring the treatment has to be kept more up to date. The warm weather probably encourages the eggs outside to hatch.

Secondly, you have two cats an 11 year old girl and a 1 year old male. I have a 2 1/2 year old male and he is an avid hunter, they normally will settle down to the quieter life as they get older. Assuming yours are allowed out, he could be picking them up there. fleas aren't only found on cats they can come from anything he goes after or their eggs could be lurking near where other animals have access.

Finally while advantage is good, there are rumours going around that some fleas are becoming resistant to some treatments. Your vet has said to keep with the advantage, but if you keep seeing fleas you might want to ask if he could recommend an alternative with a different active ingredient.

I will also say that as us humans react differently to insects and some seem to attract them when others don't, I am sure that some cats will be the same. I am lucky, I am one of those that biting insects don't like, however as I am partially sighted and am unlikely to ever see a flea I have to keep the treatment up to date, otherwise I think I could have an infestation and never notice it, which is a scary thought. So it is possible that the fleas just find your lad sweet blooded and are attracted to him.

Others on here might have some alternative treatments that can help reduce the problem.

Re: Why does my boy keep coming home with fleas?!

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 10:05 pm
by Mayday21
Hi Stevie welcome -fleas - dam nuisance - have you tried Frontline? It's a tad more expensive than Advantage. You can get spot on or pump spray in 2 sizes. I used to use the pump spray on Crystal & Mayday ... but they where good with this - didnt turn inside out. Also there's Capstar tabs but that's more to break the cycle. Keep us posted. Vivian

Re: Why does my boy keep coming home with fleas?!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:26 am
by Stevie123
Hello. Thanks for the replies!
Yes my boy is a typical male cat and is an avid hunter. He comes back with all sorts, birds, mice etc. I guess you are right that it is this teamed with the warming weather now it's spring. I am looking forward to the day he settles down but I'm sure that will not be for a long time. He is neutered be he's still out all the time. I hope he doesn't have another home he goes to during the day!
Fleas are horrid things aren't they. I just hate the fact that he is bringing them in and they are hopping off him in the house. Even if they will die after an hour or so due to the advantage treatment. I think he'd not long come in Lastnight after I found a flea on him.
Because he is prone to fleas does anyone know if you can treat with advantage more frequently then once a month?
I will keep an eye on the situation. I haven't tried frontline, but I might go back to the vet if at any point I think his treatment is becoming ineffective. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is working and the fleas I'm seeing are hitchhikers he picked up on his jollys,but the second I get bitten or see fleas in the house I'll be changing his meds. I have 3 cans of indorex in the cupboard also to use if necessary (would rather not because of the children but will if I need to) thank you for your words of advice!