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Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:07 am
by suzw100
I was just hoping to get some opinions on house cats (and put my mind at ease hopefully!).
We adopted a cat a couple of weeks ago, she is wonderful and we love her to bits!
But she is a house cat - we both work full time and are out of the house from 8am to 6.30pm. The flat is a reasonably good size - a large living area/kitchen, 1 bedroom, bathroom and a small hallway. (we also have a balcony but are unsure about letting her out there).

Its my general feeling that some people think keeping cats indoors is cruel, what do you think? I guess many of you also keep house cats and work?
I am feeling a bit guilty about keeping her cooped up. She is 1 and a half, and has never been outside.

We give her lots of time when we are home, petting and playing with her. I think she just sleeps under the bed in the daytime anyway.

thanks! Sxxx

Re: Housecats

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:19 am
by Antonio
My cats have been indoor only cats for years (except for some short and guided tours outside during the good season). I'd say that they have spent 99% of their time inside. Where I live it is really a common thing have pets indoor, most of houses are apartments.
As long as the cats has their food, water, toys and access to a viewing spot over the rest of the world I think this shold be fine. Many people get a second cat so that they can keep company and play together.
It might be cruel to some people to keep a cat prisoner into a house, but an outdoor cat has many more chances to be victim of any kind of incident, hence has a shorter life.
If your apartment is large enough and your cat has a good attitude you could consider taking in a second cat of the same age. If your cat comes from a rescue it might be possible that she already had a friend.

Re: Housecats

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:26 am
by booktigger
If she has never been out, she doesn't know what is there to miss it, the only thing I'd say is invest in a decent activity centre (not just a scratching post) and rotate toys, so she doesn't get bored. Most cats do sleep 22 hours a day though.

Re: Housecats

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:36 am
by Kay
mine have a good sized enclosed back garden accessed through a cat flap, but still choose to spend 90% of their time indoors

the lure of outside seems with them the chance to lie in the sun rather than explore, so for a cat restricted to an indoor life I think it's important to allow the sun in through the windows, and set up a comfortable sleeping spot where it falls

Re: Housecats

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:07 pm
by suzw100
Thanks for the replies!

Unfortunately i live in london and there isnt much sun for anyone to lie in recently! We got her one of those beds with the suction pads which you stick high on the window, but she isnt much interested in that.
I will look into an activity center too, but there doenst seem to be much that can hold her attention (other than a cardboard box and a nail file, which she loves).
I think ill get some cat proof net for the balcony too, so she can go out there when we are home at least.

She is a very timid cat, so I really dont think she would want to go out even if she had the option. I just worry.

S xxx

Re: Housecats

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:43 pm
by MarySkater
I think she'd enjoy the balcony if you can net it. Just check the netting by pushing your fist against it all round the edges. If there's enough slack to let a fist through, a cat could head-butt its way through. That's my voice of experience, though luckily not a balcony. My garden enclosure is fenced with wire netting which is cat-proof, but roofed with flexible mesh, which at the first attempt wasn't tight enough. Cats going up a post could push their way under the edge of the roof netting. One didn't go far and I rounded him up quickly. The other vanished for some time, and I had an anxious evening until she came home.

Re: Housecats

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 6:06 am
by thomas090
I think it is normal to keep a house cat at home. If you really feel guity, you can take her outside twice a week. Or adopt another cat to company her.

Re: Housecats

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:06 am
by meriad
thomas090 wrote:If you really feel guity, you can take her outside twice a week. Or adopt another cat to company her.
Personally I wouldn't take her outside - if she's never been then she won't know it to miss it. I do agree with the 2nd cat for company though.