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FLUTD commercial cat food advice please

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:08 am
by Shortbread
HI all,

my old boy of 14yo, called >Louis, had suffered with FLUTD all his life, and we've always had him on vet prescription Royal canin SD wet food and biscuits. His sister developed diabetes and loads of complicated infections which took her in the end. Since he's genetically prone to diabetes I'm no longer using RC food as it's over 30% carbs which will instigate diabetes.

So, am using kattovit urinary, which he's alright with. Eats alright but isn't too fussed over it. I'm in switzerland with france just over the border, so have access to animonda urinary, which he hates. That leaves me only kattovit urinary as a choice.

So am thinking, do any of you know if commercial brands like Purina, Gourmet Gold or Whiskas (available here) are OK for FLUTD, ie low in phosphorus and magnesium, as they don't give enough information on the packets to know? Also he's allergic to dairy so vomits anything with that in it...adding to his list of restrictions (poor boy).

Thanks xx

Re: FLUTD commercial cat food advice please

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:08 am
by Antonio
Hi, I'm sorry for your cat, I know how frustrating it can be...
I wouldn't go with commercial food like the ones you have mentioned as they use low quality ingredients and lots of addictives who might impact on the physical condition of your Louis.
Look for specific diet food, with high quality ingredients. I think that many of them are availbale in Switzerland too.
Also, have you considered to add some supplements to his regualar diet to help his FLUTD, I know thare are some, don't know if I can mention them here.

Re: FLUTD commercial cat food advice please

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:11 pm
by Shortbread
Hi Antonio,
No I don't know of those, hadn't heard of them, what do they do?

I guess I'll have to keep searching online to see if there are any specific formulations I can have delivered. Since my last cat had diabetes, I'm strict in making sure there is a high quality animal protein percentage, good fat, and minimal carbs. It's just a shame the big manufactures don't state their ash contents more clearly. As you say, I'll have to steer clear of them.

Thanks :-)

Re: FLUTD commercial cat food advice please

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:42 pm
by Kay
have you searched on Zooplus?

it sells a lot of European manufactured foods, and gives a list of ingredients and analysis with most of them

I believe they deliver across Europe

Re: FLUTD commercial cat food advice please

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:47 pm
by Shortbread
I love that site :-D

I use the french and swiss one all the time. They have the best options by far, but still not much in the urinary wet food range that's not high carb (eg royal canin and hills).

Might have to go further afield. Doesn't help that he's a fuss pot :roll: ;)

Re: FLUTD commercial cat food advice please

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 1:48 pm
by Antonio
Would you like to try this supplement ... ins/174612

or these food ... nary/40790 this is chicken ... ary/109739 this is tuna
the pages are in Italian, sorry I haven't found the same product in other languages.

I'm sure there are more.