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Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:05 am
by Mayday21
I need +Ve for my little Bentley. Yesterday on arriving home from movies with Deb,President of Little Paws Kitten Rescue Bentley was asleep on cushions on a chair & he woke up but eyes looked a bit glazed. Didn't think anything of it as thought he'd been asleep. Two hrs later getting their dinner noticed he wasn't around & he's very food orientated.

Called & looked for him - in cupboards, under beds. Thought he may have got out which in reality wasn't an option. Found him under my bed at the back. Got him out & took him to his dinner - zilch. Something's wrong - very lethargic & 3rd eyes in play. Took temp 41.16 - rang Deb. "Wrap ice bricks in towels & I'll be over." She arrived with Vibravet & noticed rapid breathing. After settling him down breathing settled a tad & temp down 41.12.

I've had 2 hrs broken sleep since midnight. Up @ 5:30 & he was awake in carrier & head up which wasn't the case during the night. Text Deb, removed ice bricks & took him to tray. He did long wee & ate a tad of wet food.

Deb called me saying she was booking him into Cat Clinic as "Strange as he's a young, healthy cat who, at least for the last 2+mths hasn't been outside since being with you -an enigma." He's at the clinic; temp still up 40.2 & lymph glands swollen, breathing still a bit fast but he was in the car & at the clinic. Looks viral as he has improved & eaten a tad. He's in for 24hrs on drip.

Am so worried & Harper's looking for him as they & TC usually tear round the house together.


Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:00 am
by Mayday21
Hi Deb just called Clinic doing bloods but it looks like FIP I'm devastated.

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:28 am
by Antonio
The fever and the rapid and broken breathing might be symptoms of wet FIP, unfortunately.
Have you noticed any swollen belly? What kind of test did they run to have this diagnosis?
Hopefully a further test could rule FIP out.
I'm so deeply sorry.
I had a cat who died form FIP, I know what you might be going through :(

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:18 am
by Lilith
Oh no, poor Bentley, all paws crossed here and hugs to you Vivian x

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:29 am
by bobbys girl
Lilith wrote:Oh no, poor Bentley, all paws crossed here and hugs to you Vivian x
Couldn't put it better myself. Thinking of you and Bentley and sending all good vibes your way. xx

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:31 pm
by booktigger
So sorry to hear this Vivian, I truly hope it isn't FIP. Fingers crossed they are wrong.

Re: Vibes for Bentley UPDATE

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:47 pm
by Mayday21
Hi Folks especially Lilith, Booktigger,, Bobby's Girl & Antonio at 4pm Deb called "I've good news bloods came back negative for FIP & vet ran tests past Marcus the Specialist for confirmation- viral." She's going to raise with Marcus re vet intimating FIP subject to bloods which just totally devastated me & yes Antonio they did mention Wet FIP which Deb said is extremely nasty. Told her not to worry about it as at least I had the worst news possible which turned around - better forewarned.

On the news called Clinic & raced down to see him with Deb saying "Give him a big sloppy kiss from me." He was so pleased to see me. Was lying in kitty litter tray - stress- but got out when he saw & heard me. He ate a bowl of chicken/meat & a FEW biccies. gave him sloppy kiss on his head to which he rubbed his nose on mine he does this in the morning when I wake. He looks so much better.

Hope he's home today - thanks all for your thoughts - we really needed them. Harper's been bored since he's been gone - TC's been trying to keep her busy.


Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:53 pm
by Lilith
That's a relief! As long as they can clobber this virus soon (he sounds much better) and then hopefully you can all get back to normal (or what passes for normal in a typical multi-cat household!)

Welcome back home Bentley :D

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:38 pm
by bobbys girl
Phew, that's a relief! I can stop holding my breath now. Get well soon Bentley. Fusses to the little boy.

Lilith- had to laugh at your multi-cat comment, how true!

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:30 am
by Mayday21
Hi called clinic this am - temp still elevated but he was eating b/fast when I called. Vet was doing assessments & to call Deb re update. It's after midday here & I'm antsy waiting to hear & if he can come home. Appears we're still in the woods. I'm praying & praying. Vivian

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:29 am
by booktigger
So pleased it isn't looking like FIP, hope he can come home today

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:44 am
by Antonio
Glad to hear that FIP has been ruled out, that is a really good news, but it seems that they have got no diagnosis yet, or I have misunderstood?
Bentley still has high temperature, so something bad is underneath.
Did the blood works come out OK or was there anything out of range?
Fingers crossed!

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:44 am
by bobbys girl
Praying for a way out of those woods!

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 6:06 pm
by mr_frisky
That's such good news. Hope he's felling better soon.

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:22 pm
by Lilith
All paws still crossed here and Shahi-python is crossing his tail - hope you have Bentley home soon and on the mend, all the very best, hugs x

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:32 pm
by Mayday21
Clinic called Deb yesterday re testing for aids & leukemia but Deb said he hasn't got aids. She spoke to me yesterday & called clinic just b4 I went to see him, he's off drip, on antibiotics temp still up. She thought he could come home but said I'd prefer him to stay onite being monitored as I'd only have a restless night. He was pleased to see me & ate a FEW crunchies. Marcus, the specialist, came in while there & I spoke to him about aids. He's not actually treating Bentley but did say "Very unlikely but we really don't know history." Deb does as he was a Little Paws kitten. Still praying.

Was to book a trip to Nth Qld early Aug for 3 days to visit PNG friends but this hasn't been done. Told friends "Depends on Bentley's recovery." They understand but the later I leave to book, no cheap fares. Text them "If Aug doesn't occur how's Oct?" They do a lot of travelling & have lots of guests.

Btw Harper got into the loo paper last night ....


Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:41 am
by Antonio
Deb said that Bentley doesn't have FIV, but could he have FeLV?
What are they doing for the fever? Do they have any idea what is going on?
I am so sorry to read this news :(

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:48 am
by booktigger
Fingers crossed you get some positive news today

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 10:20 pm
by Mayday21
Hi everyone he's home. His temp was normal yesterday & he did well during the night. He's on abs for 2wks Clavulox & Doxycycline. I need to watch his eyes for squinting, redness or any discomfort, if symptoms straight back. He's booked for a checkup next Fri. They couldn't +vly diagnose but apparently severe virus which effects eyes. The vet did give it a name but I can't recall - something to do with eyes. So pleased to have the little boy home. He slept beside me. As for Miss Harper as he smelt strange, we had a bit of a hiss. Thanks for your posts - keep you posted. Vivian

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:47 am
by booktigger
So glad he is home, fingers crossed he makes a full recovery

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 11:16 am
by bobbys girl
Yes, hope so too! Fusses to the little man.

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 1:49 pm
by Lilith
Great news - hope he's turned the corner now, big fusses to him and the others :D

Re: Vibes for Bentley

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:54 pm
by Mayday21
Hi Folks little Bentley's doing well. He's back in the tree with the edge facingboutvas a head rest. Eating well, he watched Harper chasing & throwing toy in the air & thry had a little 'tussle' on the bed at 6am. Will keep you posted on progress.

Text friends in Nth Qld saying will visit in Oct. As he's on abs for 2wks which is to end of mth, I want to be home for a tad in case there's a relapse & I don't think a week or 2 is enough. Also I've a vet bill to pay which will hit my monthly budget for Jul & Aug. Vivian