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Cat not using litter box

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:39 am
by Em 123
Hi there, we have just moved house and our cat keeps going to the toilet on an area of carpet which the previous tenants cats have obviously been toileting as it is all stained and scratched. We got the carpets cleaned but she is still going there. We have tried spraying lavender oil on it which helped for a couple weeks but she now has got used to the smell and has started going there again. Any other advice to help deter her from going to the toilet there? In our previous house she always used the litter.

Re: Cat not using litter box

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2017 11:05 am
by booktigger
Can you not put a litter tray there? If Not, maybe putting an old carpet square to reduce the smell may help, if it is from a previous cat, it's unlikely using an enzyme cleaner will work

Re: Cat not using litter box

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 5:45 pm
by Red wine lady
I tried every cleaning and enzyme product going and Oscar still went behind the TV!!! Put a bowl of munchies down on the patch...may look stupid but it does stop them.