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Heart Murmur - looking for reassurance please!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:01 pm
by loobs
My cat will be 10 in April and was diagnosed with a heart murmur at her yearly check up yesterday. The vet said it was very common, and didn't seem to be too concerned because my cat is fine otherwise. I think she could see how anxious I was, and as I have insurance, she referred my cat to a cardiologist so that I would have a better idea what is going on. I can't go until the 5th of February.

I have just read another thread about heart disease and it has really frightened me! I am really hoping that somebody can tell me that their cat was diagnosed with a heart murmur and is ok. Ten years ago my first cat died at only 7 months old because she had a disorder with her immune system. I have lost people close to me but when she died it was the lowest period of my life. I have mental health issues and my cats are absolutely everything to me.

Re: Heart Murmur - looking for reassurance please!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:44 pm
by Lilith
Hi Loobs, and welcome :)

Yes, my Mouse, who will be 16 in the spring, has a heart murmur, and she's fine - she even underwent radio-iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism last year and sailed through it. She's in grand condition, eats well, cheerful and enjoying life.

I think (though I'm not an expert) that a heart murmur isn't the same as heart disease, and many cats with a heart murmur lead perfectly normal and healthy lives - I think there are other people on here whose cats have a murmur and manage ok.

Hope this is reassuring, and commiserations re the mental health - me too so I can sympathise with how you must be feeling x

Re: Heart Murmur - looking for reassurance please!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:00 pm
by Janey
Hi, one of my cats had a heart murmur from a kitten. The vet used to check it when he had his check-ups and it only increased slightly over the years. He lived a normal life and passed from something unrelated. When I fostered for a short while one of the cats had a murmur too, the rehoming officer said just to mention to the new owner but it was nothing to be concerned about. I was also told that I had a murmur myself but nothing to bother about. I’ve heard of other cats too who have been fine with murmurs for years. I am sure that your vet would have said if anything was to be concerned over. Hope that helps, as I know what a worry our pusscats are to us.

Re: Heart Murmur - looking for reassurance please!

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 10:56 pm
by Amerififer
My wee black panther Midnight ( who has gone over the bridge last year) had a mild heart murmur from the time I got him as a kitten..
It never caused ANY issues. He was almost 18 when I had to have him put to sleep due to end stage renal failure complicated by him being hyperthyroid.
His heart murmur had NO impact on him at the end and as I said I had almost 18 wonderful years with him.

Your Vet should keep an eye on the murmur and if you change Vets or in an emergency make sure its pointed out he has a murmur..


Re: Heart Murmur - looking for reassurance please!

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:55 am
by loobs
Thank you for your replies, they did make me feel better. My cat has seen the cardiologist now and he said it was the best possible outcome. Will be taking her back in 6 months for another check up. I am so relieved!

Re: Heart Murmur - looking for reassurance please!

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:16 pm
by Lilith
Hey Loobs that's great and thanks for the update, hope she goes on ok now and all the very best to you both :D