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Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:56 am
by alli
I'm really worried about my cat Oscar. A wild cat (i think) came through the catflap last night and Oscar had an all out fight with him - it was only that row that caught my attention - i had now idea there was an unwanted guest in the flat!!! I could see through the window the wildcat reluctantly leaving the garden watched by my other cat Felix. I told oscar what a brave cat he was and gave him lots of pets. He was very restless all night and I eventually heard him go out - now he's not come back and I'm very worried. I saw some blood spots on the mat inside the front door though Oscar seemed undamaged last night. Has anyone else had this happen to them or can anyone advise me here?? Many thanks - Alison


Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:45 pm
by meriad
What a worry. Have you been out in the garden and searched for Oscar; looked under every shrub and called him etc. And also look everywhere in the flat in case he did come in over night but you didn't notice and he has been injured and is hiding somewhere?

Hopefully he's back home soon; please do keep us updated.

is he microchipped?


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:24 pm
by alli
Meriad - only just seen your reply, feel so bad :oops: it WAS a feral cat and he kept reappearing for weeks. poor oscar had been bitten on the tail and i only realised a few days later when i was runing my hand down it as i do.. sticky mess. poor fella was in the carrier and down the vet before he knew what hit him. they kept him overnight, shaved his tail about 2" all round and drained the infection. i contacted dspca about the other fella - also found a very helpful woman who said i needed to 'trap' him and she had a friend out of town who had about 40 of them, she fed them regularly but they never become pets - so sad :( she had lots of land so they did sort of have a 'home'. however my feral disappeared one day and i never saw him again. i had been leaving him some dry food and water which i THINK he'd been eating. i had an awful feeling someone had done away with him but maybe he'd been 'trapped' and chipped and released again. felt really bad about him for a while; hope someone succeeded where i failed ;)


Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:27 pm
by alli
yes; they're both chipped :)