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Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:19 pm
by mollers
I noticed yesterday that my ginger boy Chompy's back paw looked a bit sore and like he had been licking it. He was still going in and out of the house quite happily (he likes to be outdoors mostly as I live in a semi-rural area with fields behind me) so I wasn't too concerned and when he came in for his tea I tried to give it a saltwater wash and put some cream on (a teatree cream for cats) but wasn't keen on me touching it so I just squeezed saltwater over it as much as I could and thought I would keep checking it and try and get him to a vet tomorrow (today). I couldn't see any foreign body in this toe or anything but it looked a bit swollen around one toe.

He continued to go in and out during the evening and was eating happily and drinking; not putting full pressure on his back paw but still using it. He has now not come in yet today; he is normally regular as clockwork for breakfast and now I am worried sick. I am trying not to panic as I have had cats that have somehow dragged themselves home with bad injuries but I am really worried that it was a lot worse than I initially thought and he has deteriorated?

I am feeling really guilty that I didn't lock him in the last time he came in last night. Not sure what I want anyone to tell me but from your experiences, could an injury like this has deteriorated so quickly? I am so hoping that he is just out enjoying the weather or asleep in the field but it's not like him to not come back by now.

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:38 pm
by Jacks
Hi Mollers. Sorry to hear Chompy has gone missing but try not to panic. If he was eating and drinking happily in the evening he may well not be that hungry yet particularly as the weather is very warm.

Keep an eye out for him and maybe go out into the garden and bang his food bowl, shake some treats... My little girl went out before breakfast last week and was out for 14 hours (WAY longer than normal) and I was really worried - walking the streets calling her as the darkness started to fall. She then pops up on front window ledge and as I open the door saunters in, starving, eats masses of wet food and pops up to her throne to sleep. Try not to worry (easier said than done I know) - you can never predict what a cat is going to do when they're out, so don't think it's your fault.

I hope your Chompy comes back soon; I doubt very much that a sore toe would have deteriorated in any way over such a short period of time, but I would keep him in tonight so that you can get it checked out tomorrow. Hopefully he has found a shady place to snooze and maybe found something to eat last night, so he's not desperate yet.

All that said, if you are worried it will do no harm to go out looking for him.

Please keep us up to date.

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:44 pm
by mollers
Thanks Jacks for a bit of reassurance! He is a real roamer, scours the fields behind for voles all night usually but generally comes within half an hour or so of me shouting. We had a house full of people here until around 1am so I was loathe to force him in then as he doesn't like all the noise and as I mentioned, seemed happy enough if a little reluctant to put his full weight on his paw.

It was probably around then that I last saw him so coming up for around 13 hours. I do hope he's chilling out somewhere and I'll continue to keep going out shouting for him. Thanks for replying, it's hard not to worry but I take heart from your story of your girl being away for 14 hours. xx

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:52 pm
by mollers
Lo and behold Jacks - he's just appeared in the garden and is ravenous! His toe/claw is swollen and it looks like there is pus coming from it. I am letting him eat, locking him in and going to try and bathe it. I'm not sure it warrants an emergency vet till I've had a proper look at it; my vet is not open on a Sunday but will definitely get him to the vet tomorrow and call emergency tonight if he seems worse.

They do worry us, I'm giving him a talking to later ;) Thanks for the help.

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:57 pm
by Jacks
Splendid news Mollers! There you are - just like my little mischief - how they worry us! Try to get some salt water bathe on the toe if you can and no outdoor access at all until he's seen the vet tomorrow.

Please keep us up to date with his progress. Give the lad a head rub from me!

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:02 pm
by mollers
Thanks so much. Just boiling water to cool for a bathe and he is under strict instructions to stay on the couch all of today (cue howling all night but that's how it's got to be). At first glance it looks like one of his claws is at a funny angle and his paw seems a bit smelly so definitely infected and worse than yesterday. Don't know if the vet would class this as an emergency or not. Going to check the website now and see what best to do...

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:06 pm
by Jacks
Mmm, yes, I would check, and maybe your vet has an out-of-hours help line? It sounds like he's ripped the claw and it's become infected. If he goes off his food I would try to get him seen tonight, but certainly get an appointment first thing. x

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:09 pm
by Shelly and Dora
Hi. Just caught up with this thread.

Glad he's home safe and sound. If you are concerned could you just call the emergency vet for a quick bit of guidance?

Please keep us posted and give him a gentle fuss from me and a furry headbutt from Dora x

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:13 pm
by mollers
Hi again - just rang the vet, they said if he seems ok in himself and is eating normally, try and bathe in cooled salt water today and tonight and get him there first thing tomorrow without food in the morning in case they need to sedate him and look more closely. If he deteriorates I can ring them back and it would be £90 for emergency appointment. He is licking it continously bless him and it does smell :shock: , but he seems ok at the moment. Dreading the ordeal of getting him in the catbox already as he hates and we have to force him in and I don't want to hurt his paw further.

No sooner do I get one cat sorted out then the next needs medical attention! They keep us on our toes :)

Thanks Jacks & Shelly/Dora for your concern.

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:19 pm
by Shelly and Dora
Is it worth plugging in a Feliway defuser if you have one and spraying the carrier with Feliway spray?

Alternatively I know some people on here have success using normal human rescue remedy on their cats to calm them down. I think the idea is that you put a couple of drops on your fingers, then rub them on the cats neck.

Might just be worth a try to stop him getting too stressed in the morning?

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:23 pm
by mollers
Now you mention it I have got some drops for cats that you put in water and on food that is meant to help with keeping calm, I bought it when trying to introduce my second male cat (it didn't help in that situation :D but it's worth a try for this). Will give that a go; thanks.

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:06 am
by mollers
Just a quick update - Chompy has been to the vet and been given painkilling and antibiotic injections to get the infection under control before he goes back on Friday. The vet suspects one claw will need to be removed and possibly that the end of his toe is broken. She thinks he probably received a very nasty bite in a fight.

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:54 am
by meriad
Oh poor boy - bet he's feeling sorry for himself :(

give him a fuss for me and hopefully the antibiotic and pain killer will make him feel a bit more comfy soon

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:21 am
by mollers
He is Meriad, he's taken himself off upstairs and plonked himself in a corner where he is nice and cool. Poor lad - he is fed up, especially as he's such an outdoor cat. The vet has said to try and keep him in as long as possible but if it is distressing him to let him out as he has now had the antibiotic injection. Am waiting for the howling to start :D

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:49 pm
by SarahT1 [PLLE]
Just caught up with this as well. So glad your boy came home and that you are now on top of his injury. Hope he is feeling himself properly soon and ready to face an op if he needs it.

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:40 pm
by Shelly and Dora
Hi. How is Chompy now? Is he still sulking?

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:45 pm
by Jacks
So glad you got him to the vet - poor Chompy. Hopefully he'll start to feel more himself soon and hopefully the toe can be saved. Don't feel to bad about keeping him in - you're doing it for his benefit and he'll soon be out and about again and will forget all about it!

Re: Cat with sore paw not come home since last night

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:51 pm
by mollers
Thanks all for asking after him; he's just been having a sit on the patio as the vet said it was ok, he hates being in and I mean hates it! Antibiotics seem to be working quite quickly as he is much less stinky that he was :)