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Hungry or bully?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:52 pm
by Emmalou22
Every time I put food down for my kittens (1 year old) Lottie is straight there scoffing it down but when Shelby comes for her food. Lottie eats hers then pushes Shelby out of the way eating her food too! It's got to e point where Shelby cowers away from Lottie when food is being out out as if she knows she's not going to get any.
I have had to resort to feeding them in separate rooms now which does help but is obviously not a long term solution.
Any ideas please??

Re: Hungry or bully?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:41 pm
by Jacks
It sounds to me like Lottie wants to be dominant cat and is taking food opportunities to let Shelby know that she's the boss. Once they've sorted this out Lottie should be happy to let Shelby eat - as long as she gets her dinner first!

Have a look at the advice on hierarchies on the site here - some tips for how to make Lottie feel like she's Queen Bee and therefore relax a little on Shelby - things like feeding and greeting first! I'm sure they'll work things out - sounds like Shelby is happy to be submissive. With females in a household, even if they're spayed, one of them will generally want to be 'boss'.