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Orphaned newborn kitten

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 11:03 pm
by infinityba2
I am new here and looking for advice , suggestions etc. On Sunday we found a single newborn kitten with its umbilical cord still but dried up. No mom, no littermates. But only a hungry hawk in the area. We scooped up the kitten brought it to safety and went back to see if we could find the mom and littermates. None found. We have since been caring for kitty giving it warmth, and bottle feeding. No signs of injury, infections or distress. Not even fleas. Eyes are closed. We have been helping it also eliminate. Monday and Tuesday kitty weighed 110 grams. Yesterday 117 grams. Today 129 grams. Kitty has since made 2 healthy bowel movements on it's own. I've contacted our vet who basically said to continue what we are doing and no appointments necessary until it's at least 5 weeks old.

Re: Orphaned newborn kitten

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 9:42 am
by Lilith
Welcome and good on you - I think you're doing all the right things. This poor little cat must have lost one of its nine lives in this ordeal, but obviously in safe hands now.

It's hard work - I once had to handfeed three kittens (and attend to the other end; that's crucial, isn't it?) for 12 hours while their mother recovered from a C section. I was terrified! Thank goodness their mother stepped in. But there will be other people on here with much more experience and good advice.

All the best and please keep updating :)