Cat regurgitating food/clear liquid

IMPORTANT: If your cat is in any distress or discomfort, please consult your own vet as your first priority.
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Cat regurgitating food/clear liquid

Post by Kblue »

My 2 year old cat started having issues with eating a couple of days ago. I noticed he was regurgitating milk (cat milk) and then randomly dry heaving, occasionally spitting up clear liquid with foam on ocassion. He has an appetite because he gets up for food and is eager, but I think he's scared because of what's happening to him. We were advised by the vets to give him small meals every 2 hours and given medication to settle his stomach but it tastes horrible so he regurgitated that too I believe (he spit up liquid shortly after we gave him the medication). His kidneys are fine, he's a little dehydrated because he's been regurgitating his food and not drinking water. There's no visible obstruction in his throat and he is fine within himself apart from this. I have no idea what else this could be as this is just trial and error right now. He's being very quiet and I believe he's very frightened of what's happening to him, since he's usually a very vocal cat. Any help would be fantastic.
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Re: Cat regurgitating food/clear liquid

Post by Mollycat »

Bringing up clear or yellowish frothy liquid is usually either a hairball that won't come up, irritated stomach lining or inflammation in the pancreas, and also happens when the cat has not eaten for a day or so.

Is there a reason why the vet suspected a kidney problem in a 2 year old cat?

What you're calling frightened of what's happening to him, have you described this to the vet? Because fear can be just what pain looks like in a cat, and pancreatitis can be very painful.
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